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Pre seed burn off with animals?

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    Forage just struggles to differentiate between bouncing around ideas to try on your own farm vs something everyone should be doing. His biggest apparent hurdle in regenerative discussions. If someone else is thinking about trying it, obviously we think everyone else should be doing it.

    As soon as his mind zeros in on trying to comprehend it on his own farm his brain misfires and he defaults to “Nope nope nope. Impossible”


      Time to bring back the Buffalo.


        The way Trudeau is running the country we are well on our way


          The most successful livestock guys in this area tend to ignore the straight grain guys across the fence and vice versa. Meanwhile both groups shake there heads at what us mixed farm guys are doing some days Fencing , seeding, prepping hay and pasture fields all seems to happen at once around here.


            Rough times are ahead. Soaring costs and availability concerns will drop ag production worldwide. Here in North America we have leaders who continue to forge ahead their green agenda to the peril of economic stability of our nations. This Ukraine invasion and prospects for Chinese invasion of Taiwan will prove the folly of putting green dreams in front national security.


              Is this quack grass?

              Scientific name, Cynodon dactylon?

              We call it cooch grass.


                Originally posted by Landdownunder View Post
                Is this quack grass?

                Scientific name, Cynodon dactylon?

                We call it cooch grass.
                SCIENTIFIC NAME:
                Elymus repens (L.) Gould subsp. repens (ITIS)

                Agropyron firmum J. Presl, Agropyron repens (L.) P. Beauv., Elytrigia repens (L.) Desv. ex Nevski, Triticum firmum (J. Presl) Link, Triticum repens L. (GRIN)

                COMMON NAME:
                Quackgrass, medusa's head, Quackgrass rye, Quackgrass grass


                  Originally posted by Landdownunder View Post
                  Is this quack grass?

                  Scientific name, Cynodon dactylon?

                  We call it cooch grass.
                  Must be. Glyphosate saved a lot fuel and topsoil in the battle against quack. Heavy black soil and quack is a nightmare. Story was years back a good chunk of ground south of us was abandoned virtually until deep tillage cultivators came along because of quack.


                    Thinkin of all you livestock guys and gals today
                    Was loading a super bee and it is just *** brutal here . -25 and a ***** of a wind
                    Hopefully not too many calving or lambing yet
                    Whatever you are making it isn’t nearly enough !
                    Thanks for the meat!!!


                      Originally posted by foragefarmer View Post
                      Use Glyphosate and get the job done right, the size of the farm has nothing to do with it. So that excuse is baseless.

                      Do you want to fix the issue of put duct tape on it?
                      What would you do if glyphoshit wasn't available?


                        Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
                        What the heck man. You said it would be impossible on large spread out acreages, and I agreed. And I stated my farm is small enough i think I could make it work.

                        You brought up farm size, I countered, and now you are there being snide again.
                        I was not judging the size of your farm at all, the amount of acres or the number of livestock is not what I look at. That's why when you said you're farm is small I said that is baseless.

                        I was just being honest with you when I said to use Glyphosate.

                        Sheep can only eat so many weeds and how many will not be eaten and eventually go to seed.

                        Another thing can weed seeds not stick to wool. I know sheep get sheared but could not mature weed seeds still get caught in what wool is left and get spread throughout the farm.

                        There is enough proof out there that wild animals spread weed seeds in their shit and fur. Even birds and particularly geese are bad for that.

                        But by all means let your flock be your weed controller, I don't care either way it's your farm.

                        Just remember some weeds seeds can sit in the ground for 30 years before sprouting and if not controlled as much as possible good luck later in life controlling them.




                            Originally posted by Landdownunder View Post
                            Is this quack grass?

                            Scientific name, Cynodon dactylon?

                            We call it cooch grass.
                            Some from my fathers generation called it couch grass.

                            From Wiki;

                            Other names include common couch,[1] twitch, quick grass, quitch grass (also just quitch), dog grass, quackgrass, scutch grass, and witchgrass.[2][3][4][5]


                              Originally posted by Austranada View Post
                              What would you do if glyphoshit wasn't available?
                              What do you care what I post when you stated you would never hire somebody like me a few weeks ago.

                              So why are you asking me about Glyphosate.


                                Originally posted by Austranada View Post
                                What would you do if glyphoshit wasn't available?
                                Some field here would be 100% quackgrass as most have no idea how to handle it.
                                Sandy,mossy type land values might be 25% of current.

                                There would be hot windy days you would keep all your windows in the house closed to try keep the dirt out.

                                Bin there, done that.

                                No thanks.


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