Interesting management decisions being made.
Doing nothing is a decision... if we have the canola seed, fertilizer, equipment, and land to plant our crop this spring... most farmers have these supplies at the homestead ready to go... we are committed to the 2022 crop already.
Canola At over $24/bu[Fall 2022]... even if the price was $50/bu next fall... the put option means this is the worst we can do... no risk... we still get the higher price we get the 2022 crop. Spending the $85/t on the $1085/t put... is the only money at risk.
Doing nothing is a decision... if we have the canola seed, fertilizer, equipment, and land to plant our crop this spring... most farmers have these supplies at the homestead ready to go... we are committed to the 2022 crop already.
Canola At over $24/bu[Fall 2022]... even if the price was $50/bu next fall... the put option means this is the worst we can do... no risk... we still get the higher price we get the 2022 crop. Spending the $85/t on the $1085/t put... is the only money at risk.