In the wet years I had planes seed canola. It grew enough to be established. I sprayed it, floated on a reasonable fertility package. Yielded around 20 to 25.
Different days for inputs then however. Also way lower scic coverage and way lower revenue potential. But it used up some moisture.
The years I simply couldn’t seed, or did seed with the drill and had six bushel canola, the soil was a mess because no water was pulled from it, weeds prospered etc.
Point is, it depends how it goes weather wise from here. If it stays wet into June, you’re screwed either way. Using up some soil moisture helps for future years. The first decent year after the wet crap, was still poor, because the soil basically dies in anaerobic conditions. You lose all the n. Compaction takes time to rectify.
I would encourage you to do all you can to get her growing. Scic does not ask how much of a fertility package you used. Just a plant stands all you need. Good luck.
Different days for inputs then however. Also way lower scic coverage and way lower revenue potential. But it used up some moisture.
The years I simply couldn’t seed, or did seed with the drill and had six bushel canola, the soil was a mess because no water was pulled from it, weeds prospered etc.
Point is, it depends how it goes weather wise from here. If it stays wet into June, you’re screwed either way. Using up some soil moisture helps for future years. The first decent year after the wet crap, was still poor, because the soil basically dies in anaerobic conditions. You lose all the n. Compaction takes time to rectify.
I would encourage you to do all you can to get her growing. Scic does not ask how much of a fertility package you used. Just a plant stands all you need. Good luck.