It’s gouging when all of a sudden , a week after the majority of seeding done there is magically a surplus and they are “discounting†by $300 a tn this past week. That’s right from a retailer that was told to try to sell asap because storage was becoming an issue for the manufacturer. That’s on 28-0-0
Yet just 15 days ago sky was the limit cause “supply†shortage excuse.
Sorry , there is no way that happens that fast
That’s simply gouging .
Forage your right long term , fall nearly always cheaper . But this was a created shortage to gouge because of high grain prices . The real story coming out now .
The same will happen in herbicides
High grain prices mean nothing when the crop barely out of the ground let alone not even in yet or for some so dry it can’t even germinate.
Others are very late and will need a miracle this fall .
And yes high prices cure high prices , sad part is we were all gouged to pay high prices to put this crop in on nearly every level with zero guarantee of even getting a crop .
This one will hurt far worse than last year if crops are similar to last year because it’s the same areas in trouble .
Other areas that had 1/2 a crop or better are somewhat late but have a chance will big soil moisture reserves. I will take a 70 bus #3 or feed over a 5- 10 bus wheat crop all day .
Yet just 15 days ago sky was the limit cause “supply†shortage excuse.
Sorry , there is no way that happens that fast
That’s simply gouging .
Forage your right long term , fall nearly always cheaper . But this was a created shortage to gouge because of high grain prices . The real story coming out now .
The same will happen in herbicides
High grain prices mean nothing when the crop barely out of the ground let alone not even in yet or for some so dry it can’t even germinate.
Others are very late and will need a miracle this fall .
And yes high prices cure high prices , sad part is we were all gouged to pay high prices to put this crop in on nearly every level with zero guarantee of even getting a crop .
This one will hurt far worse than last year if crops are similar to last year because it’s the same areas in trouble .
Other areas that had 1/2 a crop or better are somewhat late but have a chance will big soil moisture reserves. I will take a 70 bus #3 or feed over a 5- 10 bus wheat crop all day .