We have both Invigor 340 and 345 in this spring the 340 came up well and is looking good , the 345 is horrible. we have a side by side same day seeded at recommended rates in the same field that supports this . Are others seeing this ?
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Invigor 345 issues 2022
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Originally posted by mcfarms View PostWe have both Invigor 340 and 345 in this spring the 340 came up well and is looking good , the 345 is horrible. we have a side by side same day seeded at recommended rates in the same field that supports this . Are others seeing this ?
Originally posted by mcfarms View PostWe have both Invigor 340 and 345 in this spring the 340 came up well and is looking good , the 345 is horrible. we have a side by side same day seeded at recommended rates in the same field that supports this . Are others seeing this ?
Originally posted by Hamloc View PostNot much help. I grew Invigor 345 with Prosper, Canterra CS4000 with fortenza advanced and Pioneer 506 and 509 with Lumiderm. Pioneer 506 and 509 look the best. 345 on barley stubble a close second, 345 on pea stubble require spraying for flea beetles, looks good now. Canterra is certainly the slowest. One field required spraying for flea beetles, the other field is doing better with no spray. Both on CPS stubble. Any trash issues and germ is slow and beetles having a blast. This rain is certainly helping now.
I have never sprayed a field with helix on it for beetles but have had to spray proper every year. Should tell you something
Sound like the Invigor canola is planning for a price increase next year. That’s good because if it has anything on other then helix or buteo o won’t buy it.
They can stick it you know where.
I really hope someone real smart with a plan can implement a boycott of Basf Invigor canola. They need a wake up call. How else can you hire loads of AG grads and give them a company cell a company vehicle an expense account and pay them more then the producer makes and he has millions in the game. Houston we have a problem. That seed is prices completely out of control. I hope they go through some tough times. Would love to see a boycot. That would smarten them up.
I am almost to the point where I would like to remove canola completely from my farm. Way to much risk. Way way to exspensive. And way to tricky to get perfect emergence
Originally posted by Herc View PostNeed to ask urself, does anyone have vigor results on their seed lot they seeded?….
Same issues with my 357 and 356. Horrible germ, with just weak sick plants coming out of the ground. Got decimated by flea beetles. It seems to be growing out of it a bit, but at least a week to 10 days behind the DeKalb in the same field.
We all knew BASF was going to **** up invigour and everything involved with it. Just thought it would take longer than 2-3 years. I've seeded 95% of my canola acres exclusively to invigour since it came out. In all my trials over the past 3 years DeKalb canola has been every bit as good, so I think it's time for a switch.Last edited by JoeyJeremiah; Jun 19, 2022, 00:59.
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