I contracted 35% of my canola at 23 bucks, and have Nov put options on 40 % at 750. Sure hope there is a bounce and they expire worthless.
I harvest to much feed wheat to contract HRS but did buy Dec 6.50 corn puts for 20% (seems to track feed prices better... I think?).
I am kicking myself for not doing more (especially the wheat) but I barely filled my canola contracts last year and have a neighbor that had to write a big cheque after a hail storm.
What do you guys think? Has the ship sailed and we are grinding down to 7 dollar wheat again or is there hope?
Here in central Alberta crops look very good but heat/hail/frost/6 weeks of rain at harvest can fix that.
I harvest to much feed wheat to contract HRS but did buy Dec 6.50 corn puts for 20% (seems to track feed prices better... I think?).
I am kicking myself for not doing more (especially the wheat) but I barely filled my canola contracts last year and have a neighbor that had to write a big cheque after a hail storm.
What do you guys think? Has the ship sailed and we are grinding down to 7 dollar wheat again or is there hope?
Here in central Alberta crops look very good but heat/hail/frost/6 weeks of rain at harvest can fix that.