Only thing that seems to have much of an effect here anymore is group 14's. 30ml Aim with ~90ml of Authority preburn, then hope like hell you have a competitive crop. If a non-competitive crop like we've had the last couple years, you just get used to rumbling the rotten bastards through the combine.
Edge likely works better in areas that tend to have more competitive crops as well as more dependable moisture in the spring regardless of fall or spring application. Here, it seems like a stupid expensive application for piss poor results... That said, It's still better than nothing as can certainly be noticed with any misses. Yellow Mustard has zero in crop broadleaf control options, so I've gone 10lb's of micro-active edge as well as 88-90ml of Authority, and still harvested a weedy mess.
Edge likely works better in areas that tend to have more competitive crops as well as more dependable moisture in the spring regardless of fall or spring application. Here, it seems like a stupid expensive application for piss poor results... That said, It's still better than nothing as can certainly be noticed with any misses. Yellow Mustard has zero in crop broadleaf control options, so I've gone 10lb's of micro-active edge as well as 88-90ml of Authority, and still harvested a weedy mess.