Originally posted by WiltonRanch
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Some cows never come up for water all winter, while some will break down the door if the waterer freezes up.
I am feeding them about 1/4 mile walk to the waterer. Cold and slightly breezy today, saw a few come up to the waterer, most weren't actually not even my cows, but a neighbors cows. Saw many of them walk a few feet from the feeders and go eat snow.
When we did swath grazing, they must get enough snow while eating, none came for water.
In the winter, I have to keep the salt box where I feed, otherwise many cows never get any salt/mineral/vitamins since they don't go to the waterer.
Our have gone without water a few winters. I'm certain Grandpa's cow herd had to eat snow all winter. But I think he did have to keep the tank heater going for the animals at the barn.
Of course, some cows will walk a half mile to a stock waterer, then drink out of a mud puddle 10 feet away from it.