I could give a rats ass about crypto as its intangible play money unless it’s backed by something tangible. I’m not judging anyone involved with it as some with better financial success than I were involved. Crypto isn’t going away anytime soon but how is it regulated so people don’t lose their asses again but still be a non government controlled currency? Heard somewhere the Chinese and other rogue powers use crypto but soon convert to greenbacks or tangibles.
Far as the FTX mess it was a case of someone who got too big for their britches. The guy was making money on the bid ask spread between NA markets and Asia markets. Business got saturated so he pivoted to market maker but ran out of capital so he dipped into investors money and lost it too. Then he skipped.
Far as the FTX mess it was a case of someone who got too big for their britches. The guy was making money on the bid ask spread between NA markets and Asia markets. Business got saturated so he pivoted to market maker but ran out of capital so he dipped into investors money and lost it too. Then he skipped.