Originally posted by foragefarmer
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Also very instructive was the difference in how I asked my question, in a clear respectful way, and how you phrased your question “anti -vaxxer woke nutjobsâ€, similar to Justin Trudeau who called anti-vaxxers “misogynists and racistsâ€. Regardless I will answer the question. Polio, chicken pox and measles vaccines have been proven generationally safe and I think it is a mistake not to vaccinate kids against them. Having said that I wouldn’t say the same for the Covid-19 shot and I have no issues with parents not having their kids receive this shot. In my opinion, Omicron has rendered the Covid shot of little value except to those over the age of 75, those with underlying health conditions or with immune deficiencies. And the shot won’t stop transmission but is supposed to keep you from getting very sick. The last statistic I read was 50% of Canadians had had their 3rd shot and 7% percent their 4th. The majority have now had Covid, many more than once even though they were vaccinated. Omicron doesn’t discriminate unlike Liberal supporters.