It is interesting that China refuses to use Western MRNA vaccines.
What is that all about?
Yet if a Canadian chooses (dares) to question the safety and efficiency of MRNA vaccines… we are treasonous sedition seeking terrorists… seeking to overthrow the Canadian Government???
This doesn’t add up.
I got double vaccinated… however was completely accepting that some of my family chose no vaccination. A personal choice nothing more nothing less.
We have a serious loss in our human rights and freedoms in Canada. The Canadian Constitution means nothing.
Yet the majority of Canadians supported mandatory vaccination.
Turning the ‘clock’ back is unlikely.
The slippery slope is greased and steep…
We have traded freedom for passive Canadian sensibilities…
Blessings and Salutations
What is that all about?
Yet if a Canadian chooses (dares) to question the safety and efficiency of MRNA vaccines… we are treasonous sedition seeking terrorists… seeking to overthrow the Canadian Government???
This doesn’t add up.
I got double vaccinated… however was completely accepting that some of my family chose no vaccination. A personal choice nothing more nothing less.
We have a serious loss in our human rights and freedoms in Canada. The Canadian Constitution means nothing.
Yet the majority of Canadians supported mandatory vaccination.
Turning the ‘clock’ back is unlikely.
The slippery slope is greased and steep…
We have traded freedom for passive Canadian sensibilities…
Blessings and Salutations