Awfully quiet on here of late.
Looking at retail diesel prices this morning around Alberta. Unbelievable range. The low appears to be Edmonton at $1.399 a litre. Then Calgary is $1.639. Red deer $1.679. Three Hills $1.699. And the eye popper Grande Prairie at $1.969. What is everybody else seeing in your area?
Fertilizer prices. Urea prices stateside down 25% from $1 per pound of N to $.75 now. Similar in Canada as shown in the latest thread on Agriville on fertilizer. People like myself who historically buy in the fall got kicked in the ass on this!
Glyphosate prices. Seeing $9 a litre to just under on generic glyphosate. Hearing rumblings it could even be lower by summer. Any thoughts?
Wheat. Certainly sideways to down over the last month. A week ago you could still get $12 for #1 13.5 for March. At present that ship has sailed. Any thoughts on where wheat is heading?
Canola. Popped up a bit in the last week. $19.25 was available at a few elevators in central Alberta yesterday. Talking to seed retailers is sounds like seed sales have been very good this year. Went into fall extremely dry. Not sure what to say about future canola market trends.?
Barley. Surprised at how the price of feed barley has held up. $7.25 was available for fall. Price around here of late is low $8 at the bin.
Anyway, cold Thursday morning here, just hoping to stir up some conversation!
Looking at retail diesel prices this morning around Alberta. Unbelievable range. The low appears to be Edmonton at $1.399 a litre. Then Calgary is $1.639. Red deer $1.679. Three Hills $1.699. And the eye popper Grande Prairie at $1.969. What is everybody else seeing in your area?
Fertilizer prices. Urea prices stateside down 25% from $1 per pound of N to $.75 now. Similar in Canada as shown in the latest thread on Agriville on fertilizer. People like myself who historically buy in the fall got kicked in the ass on this!
Glyphosate prices. Seeing $9 a litre to just under on generic glyphosate. Hearing rumblings it could even be lower by summer. Any thoughts?
Wheat. Certainly sideways to down over the last month. A week ago you could still get $12 for #1 13.5 for March. At present that ship has sailed. Any thoughts on where wheat is heading?
Canola. Popped up a bit in the last week. $19.25 was available at a few elevators in central Alberta yesterday. Talking to seed retailers is sounds like seed sales have been very good this year. Went into fall extremely dry. Not sure what to say about future canola market trends.?
Barley. Surprised at how the price of feed barley has held up. $7.25 was available for fall. Price around here of late is low $8 at the bin.
Anyway, cold Thursday morning here, just hoping to stir up some conversation!