After driving through most of the east areas I would say this map is real close to what’s going on. Maybe up some of ND AND Michigan.
Big storms some times don’t bring rain just destruction.
Fargo has lots of snow and all that water is heading north in a while, Manitoba will get lot.
Mississippi will be high,
East Sask has lots of snow but a slower melt might soak in instead of a fast run off.
Ordered spring diesel semi load and delivered, dollar a litre is at least cheaper than last year. Saudis will play and cut back production.
New wheat varieties are tough to get all the new ones are close in yield and characteristics.
Midge tolerant is popular and the map looks like we are in for it this summer.
Drew-has us wet June to freeze up so harvest could be interesting, lots of drying and when it’s go time it’s go.
If you’re only paying $50 or less rent your ****ing your landlord so hard it’s not even funny.
Drills are dug out just snow on main frame. Last year for them outside. New cold storage shed coming in June to hold drills, combines sprayer and all tractors.
Track bed will be gone this summer that crosses one of our quarters, completed negotiations finally. Slow process.
Equipment manufacturers don’t care what you think. You work with what they want.
Interest rates are up will it curb buying, I’m thinking no.
Will land drop, not this time we’re open to all foreign buyers so they would take out even the biggest if they failed.
Use a real estate agent or public bid if you’re selling. The days of handshake are done.
The feds are not our friend, Boboo voted against farmers last week to get their carbon tax back on drying.
The fert reduction will happen if Trudeau or a Liberal wins again.
Will he do his walk in the sand over Easter?
Seeding intentions changed.
Wheat 4000
Barley 350
Peas. 650
Canola 5000
Seed canola has arrived.
Anhydrous is dropping like a stone if you didn’t get ****ed buying early you’re saving big time.
No new acres this spring, I guess my neighbours don’t like me. So we wait some more.
Seeding could start by May 8 th if the weather doesn’t change.
Happy Easter
Stay safe and enjoy time with the family.