Senator Kennedy asked the US Energy Secretary to tell us what spending $50T net by 2050 to be C neutral… will lower the global temperatures how much….

The response was the US is 13% of global C emissions… soooo…. Silence no answer….
Senator Kennedy then said…†either you don’t know…. Or you won’t tell us… “
No answer from the Energy Secretary of the US….

Trudeau and Biden… have absolutely no clue as to spending all this taxpayers money will do… other than to bankrupt our grandchildren…
Then the US Energy Secretary said if the US doesn’t do this… (spending 50$T ) nothing will happen…
If China, Russia, India, Africa, South America, and 3rd world exempt nations do virtually nothing… (To be C Neutral)
75% of their nations global C emissions will more than counteract any emissions we reduce.
A fool’s paradise… live in total fear of global existential extinction from climate change….
To what end????

The response was the US is 13% of global C emissions… soooo…. Silence no answer….
Senator Kennedy then said…†either you don’t know…. Or you won’t tell us… “
No answer from the Energy Secretary of the US….

Trudeau and Biden… have absolutely no clue as to spending all this taxpayers money will do… other than to bankrupt our grandchildren…
Then the US Energy Secretary said if the US doesn’t do this… (spending 50$T ) nothing will happen…
If China, Russia, India, Africa, South America, and 3rd world exempt nations do virtually nothing… (To be C Neutral)
75% of their nations global C emissions will more than counteract any emissions we reduce.
A fool’s paradise… live in total fear of global existential extinction from climate change….
To what end????