Watching Bloomberg…. Stephen Schork…
Cushing holds 80M barrels of oil… they are down to 22M barrels… but guess what…
The dregs at the bottom of the storage tanks have salt water and heavy ends of the oil…
So operationally 20M Barrels is getting schetchy… as to as to the quality needed for the refinery’s requirements…
Gasoline is winterized…. Lighter more volatility in the winter for better starting and cold weather performance….
Diesel at peak consumption with harvest…. Transportation for goods for upcoming holiday season rush…
$100/Barrel US is virtually assured by Nov1…. As the strategic reserve is empty in the US… Russia holding back Diesel…
Shortage is certainly on the horizon… especially if eastern North America turns cold and snowy …as is expected this winter …
Historical Volatility very likely in energy prices this winter… crazy times ahead!
Cushing holds 80M barrels of oil… they are down to 22M barrels… but guess what…
The dregs at the bottom of the storage tanks have salt water and heavy ends of the oil…
So operationally 20M Barrels is getting schetchy… as to as to the quality needed for the refinery’s requirements…
Gasoline is winterized…. Lighter more volatility in the winter for better starting and cold weather performance….
Diesel at peak consumption with harvest…. Transportation for goods for upcoming holiday season rush…
$100/Barrel US is virtually assured by Nov1…. As the strategic reserve is empty in the US… Russia holding back Diesel…
Shortage is certainly on the horizon… especially if eastern North America turns cold and snowy …as is expected this winter …
Historical Volatility very likely in energy prices this winter… crazy times ahead!