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Canola the other sister is dropping faster than liberals popularity.

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    every time we open a new crushing facility one
    on the world market closes. Meaning these
    guys here are controlling the raw canola market
    more and more, less uncertainty in the
    crush market less competition for the raw
    are you starting to feel like
    maybe we paid to screw ourselves in the ass?


      Originally posted by wiseguy
      No need to be crooked like you we don't take scic out here !
      Are you banned for life ? They might let you back in , it’s been quite a while ?
      Sure is a nice backstop and a tax write off to boot


        Originally posted by wiseguy
        Yes please ban me from agstab administered by scic !

        THANK-YOU !
        Surely to Christ ,you’re not in that useless program ???


          Originally posted by wiseguy
          nice pics I don't see any hail damage like you claim but you should show a few pics of your fields trying to reflower in October !

          Maybe it was too dry, not enuf fert or just a bad variety !
          Hail was June 25 th , anyone within this area knows that . But being so far away you probably didn’t d not know that , or anything about what fields reflowered or not . Most of ours was not bad except some very dry areas . Just like everyone else in local area except a few fields of chem fallow .

          A few miles north of here June 27th

          Same day , 12 miles east

          All tissue tests showed more than enough fertility across our crops again this year.
          You should give it a rest , and worry about yourself…… way out there .
          Be sure interesting to see pictures and hear how things went for you in the palliser triangle where you claim to farm. See some pictures of those couple big X9’s , the big paired row bourgaults , maybe some of the crops from your area .


            Originally posted by wiseguy
            To see if that 2.5lbs an acre established !

            you saying scic paid you on your cart scale weights ??
            I thought establishment was decent on both

            Zero difference at podding and in the end the 2.5 lb yield was slightly better but not statistically different.


              Originally posted by wiseguy
              does crop insurance accept a seeding rate of 2.5 lbs a standard practice ?

              what about using your own seed or did you buy it all ?

              or when making a claim does scic ask for seed receipts to verify good seed and match seeding rates to seeded acres ?

              just asking how scic handles claims !
              It’s based on establishment, seed rate has zero to do with anything
              Give them a call if you’re so curious, we have only been in a claim position 3 times in over 25 years .
              Last edited by furrowtickler; Nov 1, 2023, 13:04.


                Originally posted by wiseguy
                What about plant counts / per square ?

                can they deem it not established if its too thin ?
                That’s what establishment means yes


                  Originally posted by wiseguy
                  I cant keep up to all the claiming you do with scic !

                  Go ahead use the scale on the grain cart but expect an audit next July !

                  best to let them do the figuring !
                  I will say it slower for you
                  T h e y w o n ‘ t c o m e o u t a n y m o r e
                  This started that on the big drought of 21


                    Originally posted by wiseguy
                    What about plant counts / per square ?

                    can they deem it not established if its too thin ?
                    If not enough establishment ,they pay you to re seed
                    We have never had to
                    One year, a long time ago it froze 3 times . We were down to half of their required plants for canola establishment
                    (We had 1 plant/sq. Ft)
                    It was late and they said they would insure it if we left it , they recommended that we leave it
                    It almost went 50 when 50 was huge , that’s as close as we’ve come to reseeding
                    All the guys that always jump the gun and reseed were in the 30’s


                      Originally posted by wiseguy
                      Blame it on the frost instead of the drill !

                      Morris maxim 1/2/3 cant germinate canola is why you had 1 plant /sq ft !

                      They knew no use paying you to reseed !

                      There is a reason morris went broke !

                      You sure do a lot of phoning and claimimg scic for always getting 50 !
                      I have seen many excellent canola crops in this area with morris drills , any drill will work very well , depends on operator most times .


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