I predict Canola $6.80 off the combine.
Armin don't believe everything you read in Grain Matters, the CWB is not nearly as great as they repeadly profess.
Why does the CWB need to hiring 3 different photography companies to produce their annual calendar? Maybe they did it for free just to get their own picture printed on the back of the calendar...sure! More of farmers money well spent! Anyone who cares who these guys are let me know, I can't figure it out?
Armin don't believe everything you read in Grain Matters, the CWB is not nearly as great as they repeadly profess.
Why does the CWB need to hiring 3 different photography companies to produce their annual calendar? Maybe they did it for free just to get their own picture printed on the back of the calendar...sure! More of farmers money well spent! Anyone who cares who these guys are let me know, I can't figure it out?