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Weather CHANGE...

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    Weather CHANGE...

    I see the long range forcasts, 6-10 day are warmer than normal and dryer than normal on DTN for western Canada.

    The equanox (Sept 22) often brings a major shift in weather to allow harvest to begin.

    There is hope folks... trust, have faith, say a prayer... and keep safe as harvest operations wind forward... October is often the best harvest month many years in Alberta!

    Sure hope you are right. It is raining here again this morning(north of Regina) We should be due for some nice harvest weather tho.


      Post: Inspite of TS Eliot stating that April is the Cruellest month, I would like to place a vote for September, this one in particular. And it's younger sibling August was a troubled child as well.


        We can't have everybody unhappy - on my way home from the farm Sunday night (it rained so I couldn't harvest) I stopped at a ranch headquarters to tell the owner that some of his heifers were out on the road. I commented how awful the fall had been. He looked at me with a distinctly jaundiced eye and commented that, after four years of drought, he thought the wet fall was "wonderful"!


          Hay Boone!

          Check out canola futures. The Mouse Trap club is alive and well. Beans up, oil up and they have CNL down.

          Did it get frosty enough last night for ya?

          We've now tried to kill this crop 4 times with frost. The morning of August 20, Sept. 07, Sept 14. and the morning of Sept 21....see a pattern here? Save for Alberta, western Canada will be in deep.


            Straw Incognito: Mouse trap haven't heard that one for awhile, you must be old school (long tail etc). If you stay to long you become an institution, if you stay extra long you will need one.


              u want me to quit smoking and look for a new job in the same MONTH????????



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