I think it is that simple
We, Canada EU US FSU, all use the low qualitity over produced commoditities for energy when the opertunity arises.
Lets imagine West Edmonton Mall has a multi-fuel boiler and today can give $3.50/bu for Toms feed wheat. Next year all his wheat grades1 and they burn oil or gas.
Equally I want to see the same boiler in Manchester Trafford centre so I can sell wheat at its energy value too.
I probably produce low quality more often? None of us can control weather!!
Having the facility to remove low quality and surplus stock, as and when, will give us the ability to ask a fair price for our produce while maintaining a reliable supply of quality produce.
Dedicated energy crops which might look good but still leave us with one fickle market if energy prices slump.
One crop with lots of markets must be better for the farmer dont you think?
I think it is that simple
We, Canada EU US FSU, all use the low qualitity over produced commoditities for energy when the opertunity arises.
Lets imagine West Edmonton Mall has a multi-fuel boiler and today can give $3.50/bu for Toms feed wheat. Next year all his wheat grades1 and they burn oil or gas.
Equally I want to see the same boiler in Manchester Trafford centre so I can sell wheat at its energy value too.
I probably produce low quality more often? None of us can control weather!!
Having the facility to remove low quality and surplus stock, as and when, will give us the ability to ask a fair price for our produce while maintaining a reliable supply of quality produce.
Dedicated energy crops which might look good but still leave us with one fickle market if energy prices slump.
One crop with lots of markets must be better for the farmer dont you think?