With the Nov. 8 standards CGC meeting setting 04-05 wheat quality standards... which are not known now, how do we sign an A series not knowing IF IT WILL BE FEED after Nov. 8th?
We are getting the "trust us" signal from the CWB... but why not delay the "A" series at least until we see what the new grades look like?
Would this not be a better way to deal with the uncertainties of 04-05 grades?
Falling numbers not a part of the grade really stinks... as we are not able to know where we stand on milling quality!
On our farm good milling quality may well go to the feed mill... and poorer quality to the human consumption market... just because it is difficult for us to find out the falling number!
At least the CGC/CWB should allow us this simple indicator of quality... BEFORE we are required to decide what wheat we dedicate to them...
Or what have I missed?
With the Nov. 8 standards CGC meeting setting 04-05 wheat quality standards... which are not known now, how do we sign an A series not knowing IF IT WILL BE FEED after Nov. 8th?
We are getting the "trust us" signal from the CWB... but why not delay the "A" series at least until we see what the new grades look like?
Would this not be a better way to deal with the uncertainties of 04-05 grades?
Falling numbers not a part of the grade really stinks... as we are not able to know where we stand on milling quality!
On our farm good milling quality may well go to the feed mill... and poorer quality to the human consumption market... just because it is difficult for us to find out the falling number!
At least the CGC/CWB should allow us this simple indicator of quality... BEFORE we are required to decide what wheat we dedicate to them...
Or what have I missed?