Just a note that tomorrow is the last day to sign a basis contract or sign a fixed price contract directly. That is unless they change tomorrow or I have missed a press release.
What strategies come out of this?
Sign a fixed price contract? If you are bullish (don't now if you are or not), do you replace with a long position or a call>
Sign a basis contract and let the futures side float? Are you a bull or a bear on wheat? Your one risk is currency. What month?
Is it better to just use the EPO alternative? What percentage?
What would a farmer that is strapped for cash flow do differently than a neighbor that is well healed? What other factors are in this decision?
What strategies come out of this?
Sign a fixed price contract? If you are bullish (don't now if you are or not), do you replace with a long position or a call>
Sign a basis contract and let the futures side float? Are you a bull or a bear on wheat? Your one risk is currency. What month?
Is it better to just use the EPO alternative? What percentage?
What would a farmer that is strapped for cash flow do differently than a neighbor that is well healed? What other factors are in this decision?