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What happened in Wainwright last night, Tom?

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    What happened in Wainwright last night, Tom?



    About 9 farmers that were not at Biggar, attended, just over 20 at both meetings.

    What can we say, is the CWB irrelevant?

    Are people just totally fed up?

    Are people afraid to voice an opinion against the single desk... if they are active grain farmers with permit books(CWB fear tactics at work)?

    Is the voting system with bar codes and tracking systems (held for 10 years by the CWB) a fair, secret, ballot that voters feel comfortable about and trust???

    Time will tell!


      Just a question for all members. Are you planning on voting in the election?

      I sometimes get confused/frustrated by the middle groups apathy on the CWB (i.e. the ones who sit on the fence). If you have a 2400 acre with a 25 % wheat crop rotation, I am likely growing (nice easy numbers so I can multply) 600 aces of wheat which I will likely sell for $100,000. If I had an investment worth $100,000, I think I might want a say in how it is run.


        I think people have their minds made up how they want to vote and don't need to attend the candidate forums.

        It might be different if the debates were how to make the most of the CWB rather than the choice between a dual market candiate vs a single desk supporter.


          Tom I am in your area and I am wondering are you in favor of dual marketing system or a single desk marketing system?



            I am in favour of following the CWB Act exactly as written.

            1. Producers who can create more value through recognition and retention of specific intinsic value of their own specific produce, who will not offer this grain to the Agents of the CWB according to Section 32 of the CWB Act, but are entitled to an export license at "no cost", must be given these licenses.

            Why at no cost?

            a)The CWB has publically stated many times that there is no difference between the price inside and outside Canada.
            b)The CWB has no "trade and commerce" or statutory right to a farmer's own ungraded produce, therefore there is no statutory authority to force a farmers produce into the "orderly marketing" authority of the CWB.
            c)The farmer's exempted produce cannot enter the elevators as defined in the CGC Act, or be hauled on a commercial transport system that also has been designated as a "work for the general advantage of CANADA" as described in the CGC Act or CWB Act.

            Prior to Goodale messing up the CWB in 1993, farmers could export their own CGC ungraded produce without an export licence, or they were just plain exempt.

            We must return these common law rights back to farmers to rebalance the CWB.

            The exemption system I am recovering is in essence much like the CGC Act producer car exemptions from elevators in the handling system now.

            Basic inherent common law rights to enjoy property, were (and legally still are) protected. Goodale stomped on them when he took power of the CWB in the early 1990's.

            We will all be big winners if we stand up to Goodale and the Liberals, and are allowed, again, to have the enjoyment of our own property.

            The CWB had no problems before the fusarium, feed wheat, and barley thefts of the early 1990's. As close as I can see the grain companies just got greedy... and got Goodale to steal our grain for them... to make winfall profits off poor farmers that had the misfortune of growing low quality grain, from the CGC's perspective.

            We can create more wealth for all, if we respect each other!

            This is the Pioneer spirit that built Canada, and we MUST return to the values of our great heritage! Values which we just remembered Nov. 11!



              It is VERY unfortunate for our families and communities that the trust and faith we built, in over a century, has been destroyed by a few greedy power hungry people that refuse to live by the Golden Rule in it's true form:

              Short form, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself."

              Infact the Common Law stated above is part of the CWB bylaws right now.

              Pooling that steals $45/t from feed wheat and $30/t on feed barley is sick greedy selfishness on the part of the CWB.

              What are you going to do about it Vader?

              Make an exemption to steal more money from the already overstrained pool accounts?

              I HOPE NOT.

              IF I don't do the business, when the margin is there to make a profit... a second chance is seldom offered.

              It is no different for the CWB sales staff!

              They are not magic.

              They cannot spin gold out of straw, nor match premiums in the US or offshore market without actually doing the business. 15% of the world wheat market stops the CWB from having a cartel... unlike what Chairman Ritter claims we have... and hangs on to for his life!

              Same with barley.

              Sooner or later farmers will see through the fear tactics and deceptions... VADER!



                My dear wife says I did not answer your question properly!

                1. I am in favour of license exemptions for value added processing directly between a farmers (with their oun produce grown on land they produce grain on.

                2. I am in favour of license exemptions for Certified organic wheat and barley.

                3. In the longer term, with amendments to the CWB Act, I am in favour of an exemption system that allows farmers access to the international markets when premium prices can be achieved.

                The exempted sale would allow the present grain handling system to handle this exempted wheat or barley, or "works for the general advantage of Canada" to be employed to add value to these sales.

                These decisions on the exempted premium value sale needs to be determined by an independant Licensing authority, much like Australia has operating today.

                Hope this clearifies my position, and my long term vision.



                  "15% of the world wheat market stops the CWB from having a cartel... unlike what Chairman Ritter claims we have... and hangs on to for his life!"

                  Upon rereading this statement, it would be clearer to most if it said;

                  "85% of the world wheat market stops the CWB (with 15%)from having a cartel... unlike what Chairman Ritter claims we have... and hangs on to for his life!


                    Tom. You do make sense once and a while, but then your paranoia shows through. You wish to fragment farmers more with more permits and special deals. In the end this will basically tie us to 2 or 3 grain companies that will lobby government to let them gain control of exports. We will move from a system that we have some say in to one we do not have access to the boardroom.


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