It is interesting to see what Goodale did. Why did I say he did it for grain companies/CDN, industrial complex?
Farmers were selling wheat and barley to CWB Agents, and that grain had over 3X more value than the farmers were being paid in either the non-board domestic market; or by the CWB.
The grain that was worth $4.00/bu was being bought for just over a dollar/bu.
Now, who properly has the right to the difference to $4/bu, the farmer or the CWB/grain companies?
The farmer of course... who produced the grain with the extra intrinsic value... and has the first right in law to this intrinsic value.
What do CWB's own ethical guidelines have this to say about the individual farmers own property?
The Golden Rule, which states;
1. Do unto others as you would have done unto you,
And the Negative Golden Rule, which states;
2. Do not do unto others as you would not have others do unto you;
a)Do not infringe upon the Rights, Freedoms or Property of others, and
Keep all contracts willingly, knowingly and intentionally
b)That for every wrong there is a remedy,
c)The end does not justify the means,
d)Fundamental principals cannot be set aside to meet the demands of convenience or to prevent apparent hardship in a particular case,
e)Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law,
f)Two wrongs do not make a right, and
g)One can enlarge the rights of the people, however they cannot be taken away without their informed consent.
Ralph Goodale forced the CWB to break virtually every one of these principals, and the CWB has been almost destroyed because of the greed of Goodale.
Chairman Ritter has not had the common sense or backbone to correct these problems, nor have the other left wing greedy, misinformed, lazy management and directors.
A farmer who now are being charged $45/t (wheat) or $30/t (barley) buy-back today is being robbed by Goodale and those misguided souls who follow Goodale's greedy tactics.
The whole feed/ethanol feedstock complex is being devalued, every single product being fed or used domestically today.
TODAY How exactly does misguided CWB management prevent "market concentration" when multi-nationals are the biggest benificiaries to the unfortunate "designated area" farmers' loss and economic destruction?
Please explain this to me!
It is interesting to see what Goodale did. Why did I say he did it for grain companies/CDN, industrial complex?
Farmers were selling wheat and barley to CWB Agents, and that grain had over 3X more value than the farmers were being paid in either the non-board domestic market; or by the CWB.
The grain that was worth $4.00/bu was being bought for just over a dollar/bu.
Now, who properly has the right to the difference to $4/bu, the farmer or the CWB/grain companies?
The farmer of course... who produced the grain with the extra intrinsic value... and has the first right in law to this intrinsic value.
What do CWB's own ethical guidelines have this to say about the individual farmers own property?
The Golden Rule, which states;
1. Do unto others as you would have done unto you,
And the Negative Golden Rule, which states;
2. Do not do unto others as you would not have others do unto you;
a)Do not infringe upon the Rights, Freedoms or Property of others, and
Keep all contracts willingly, knowingly and intentionally
b)That for every wrong there is a remedy,
c)The end does not justify the means,
d)Fundamental principals cannot be set aside to meet the demands of convenience or to prevent apparent hardship in a particular case,
e)Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law,
f)Two wrongs do not make a right, and
g)One can enlarge the rights of the people, however they cannot be taken away without their informed consent.
Ralph Goodale forced the CWB to break virtually every one of these principals, and the CWB has been almost destroyed because of the greed of Goodale.
Chairman Ritter has not had the common sense or backbone to correct these problems, nor have the other left wing greedy, misinformed, lazy management and directors.
A farmer who now are being charged $45/t (wheat) or $30/t (barley) buy-back today is being robbed by Goodale and those misguided souls who follow Goodale's greedy tactics.
The whole feed/ethanol feedstock complex is being devalued, every single product being fed or used domestically today.
TODAY How exactly does misguided CWB management prevent "market concentration" when multi-nationals are the biggest benificiaries to the unfortunate "designated area" farmers' loss and economic destruction?
Please explain this to me!