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CWB Election Process

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    CWB Election Process


    Every person should photo copy their ballot...and barcode, and send them to the candidate they support... especially IF they vote against the "CWB single desk"

    Heard on the news about the elections in the Ukrane:

    Stalin SAID:

    It does not matter who votes;

    It matters who counts the votes.

    Fear and intimidation... that is a principal under this whole CWB election Process!

    The CWB Corporation is given all the ballots, spoilt ballots, barcode envelopes, everything... by Ralph Goodale decree... and is to keep these records for 10 years no less. (Section 22(1) AND (2) OF THE CWB Act Election Regulation)

    Intimidation, Fear, Deception.

    Why, when every other democratic election process I know of destroys the ballots after an election has been decided officially.

    Why an election Co-ordinator hired by the CWB!

    The Least Goodale could have done was to have had Elections Canada hire the election co-ordinator... and oversee the election... instead of the CWB... and the very directors running to get re-elected.


    At least the ballots could have been secured in a registered mail system... so each one could at least be tracked... by a courier not owned by the government of Canada... who of course rigidly enforces the CWB Monopoly.

    And the Election mail bags must only be opened and sorted with scrutineers present... instead this is all done... without any supervision... but by the CWB. Just like who votes in which district... decided by the CWB (not following CWB Act regs)... then organised by the election co-ordinator.

    Stalin's whole point was to intimidate those in opposition to his plan to shut-up and be quiet.

    Works VERY well for Goodale and the CWB as well...

    Except for a few excentric farmers who cannot be bought off, scared off, and who put principal (freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of TRUTH) ahead of financial security.

    And Chairman Ritter had the nerve to stand up in Kindersley and preach to everyone... that no person had ever had a complaint about the CWB election process;

    In Front OF His OWN:


    What exactly will Chairman Ritter Reap... for all of his deception!

    There you go , off the deep end . Just when you had some credibility! Stick to the facts. If you believe the election process is rigged , prove it or keep quiet!



      So the truth hurts Agstar?

      And what are you going to do, when I can show proof on every single point?

      Check the CWB Act Regs for yourself to start. 22(2) is clear... there is no room for any argument.10 years, to the Corporation(meaning the CWB Corporation)from the election coordinator.

      I guess you missed the point... of why we have poor voter turnout.

      I have never said for one second that MNP is crooked... nor that even the CWB has done anything awful that deserves big attention.

      But to get turnout up to 80%, we have some big work to do down at the CWB... that is the point.

      And for the CWB to make a credible claim that it is really democratic... then it must assure it has totally audit based systems, that can prove that absolute fairness and integrity has been maintained.

      Like Elections Canada can. Like the election in Alberta this very night again can prove is possible.

      The CWB election process was intentionally set up by Goodale... in a manner that cannot be audited... or assure a fair and free vote. There are simply too many gaps built in. Intentionally built in.

      And what exactly is wrong with bringing these facts to your attention Agstar77?

      Have you spent weeks dealing with the election process... personally observed it and spent your money personally to find out the truth. In 2002, I was an official observer for District 1 candidate Leo Meyer, and paid very close attention to all details.

      Ask Peter Eckersley. Ask him if this is true. Don't just take my word for it. I would expect no less.

      So don't write off what I say, if you in fact want the truth and care... until you know I have said anything false!

      And if anything is not the truth... I would be happy to know it, so I do have complete factual information!



        Another point of interest on governance.

        When the legislature is parogued... desolved... the previous MLA is no longer a MLA at all. Joe citizen... no different than you or I or the street person on 97th street. No Power, no decisions to be made for the government... the whole Alberta Government is on auto pilot.

        Meanwhile back at the CWB, Chairman Ritter has called a meeting of the CWB Board of directors... making decisions directly affecting the future of you and I. In the midst of the election.

        This is wrong, and against the democratic process. Isn't it about time the CWB started acting like it respects the democratic process?


          You did not say MNP was dishonest but you implied it from your reference to photocopying ballots . All that nonsense about Stalin and the Ukraine was totally irrelevant. I don't understand how anyone could think someone would want rig the election. There is no great reward for being a director, all they get is criticism. Most of them sacrifice their farm business to act as our representatives. Why you would think there is some conspiracy by the government to keep you from being a director is beyond me.



            You still did not get it.

            MNP has no control over ballots, before they reach the MNP building.

            The appearance of fairness and integrity... is the reason we do audits, have scrutineers, lock ballot boxes... the whole process is to protect election workers... not accuse them of being crooks!

            I have been involved in Audits for over 20 years in NGO charities... and the first thing I request as a treasurer... is that the accounts I manage be audited.

            This protects me, I do not consider for a split second that people do not trust me... I must have integrity in handling public funds.

            Which simply means I must have public transparent undeniable accountability to fulfill the public trust. Someone might be doing something behind my back I know nothing about. An Audit will often give slight indications of a weakness. When a spot of irregularity is noticed, then a in depth study can indicate whether a true problem exists.

            How do you think World Com, Nortel... and the dozens of frauds occured that cost the public Billions?

            So we put full accountable, tracible, audit trails in place that prevent fraud.

            This is the only reason I have brought these issues forward... by the way not for the first time.

            Farmers deserve full accontability... with no intimidation in the CWB election process.

            DO you have a problem with full accountability, with no intimidation and fear tactics Agstar77?

            I simply report what I have been told or have seen.

            Hope you can take this as a constructive process to make the CWB election process well beyond reproach... bullet proof... one that even Art Manil would agree was bullet proof and beyond corruption.

            We are by the way... deciding the future of many families farms... and their communities... The CWB IS THIS IMPORTANT!


              I know, rather than wasting any money on a mail in election lets just all gather ina cow pasture in the middle of the riding and do a show of hands. That way we can see how everyone else votes and bully them into our way of thinking.............sheesh democracy at the end of aa stick huh. The problem with when you think your right you just can't accept that others may have differing opinions, and be sure to reply so you can get the last word just like every other posting on here. The person who says the last thing in most aurguments is usually the one who has not made his or her case strongly enough in the beginning.



                I wrote:

                "Farmers deserve full accontability... with no intimidation in the CWB election process.

                DO you have a problem with full accountability, with no intimidation and fear tactics"?

                Is the way to stand....
                To defend truth and justice and democracy? ...Say Nothing.



                  I'm as right wing as the next guy and the reference to Stalin and the Ukraine was a "Hoepner" comment or like facsimile and is fear mongering just as some earlier posts were here.

                  Two wrongs don't make a right. Pun intended. You make some great points and valid arguments and then whacko...its deja vu all over again.
                  He with whom neither slander that gradually soaks into the mind, nor statements that startle like a wound in the flesh, are successful and may be called intelligent indeed.

                  Con***ius -Chinese philosopher & reformer (551 BC - 479 BC)



                    As a candidate taking the calls from voters... it is sure an eye opener.

                    Granted those who are most concerned will be the ones to contact the candidate... not those who are happy... no question about it.

                    "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:12)


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