As my favorite no armed man Alvin Law likes to say at my favorite televized charity-we are going higher!!!What am i talking about....COMMODITIES!!!!Oil surpassing 50$ a barrel,copper,gold, uranium,etc,etc-this all bodes well for food grains which In MY Opinion(IMO) are possibly the most undersold. Macroeconomics can be confusing to about 99% of people(like mechanics and spelling are to me)but is just as important as anything else-except plumbing,keeping the shit flowing is umero uno .But seriouslly currencies,
interest rates,bonds,inflation,deflation
trade balance,gold,current accounts,
fundimental analyisis,technical analisis
and other things all impact you more than you can imagine.Someday(IMO) farming will get good again.Being from the Generation X i'm to young to remember pre-1983 farming.I would love to here some stories in the time period
of 1971-1983.From what i read this was the time of the great commoditie bull market.After `83 came the biggest(and I can prove this)bear market in commodities ever recorded in human history.It seems that some people want to stop talking about the CWB.This is wrong.Devisive issues need to be debated
in an open constructive enviroment where both sides are heard and understood.Lets pretend we are all on the same side.I`ve spent 15 years on and off thinking about CWB but i`m still
on the fence.But I do smell a rat.IF you are apart of a monoply you are in a strong possition-think microsoft-assuming the monoply is truly working in your interest.If farmers ever started
working together-look out world.
But enough rambling i am long and strong
on farming and everything else conductive.good luck and good fortune.
interest rates,bonds,inflation,deflation
trade balance,gold,current accounts,
fundimental analyisis,technical analisis
and other things all impact you more than you can imagine.Someday(IMO) farming will get good again.Being from the Generation X i'm to young to remember pre-1983 farming.I would love to here some stories in the time period
of 1971-1983.From what i read this was the time of the great commoditie bull market.After `83 came the biggest(and I can prove this)bear market in commodities ever recorded in human history.It seems that some people want to stop talking about the CWB.This is wrong.Devisive issues need to be debated
in an open constructive enviroment where both sides are heard and understood.Lets pretend we are all on the same side.I`ve spent 15 years on and off thinking about CWB but i`m still
on the fence.But I do smell a rat.IF you are apart of a monoply you are in a strong possition-think microsoft-assuming the monoply is truly working in your interest.If farmers ever started
working together-look out world.
But enough rambling i am long and strong
on farming and everything else conductive.good luck and good fortune.