It seriously looks like the CWB can make the most money, with the least risk to the pool... through EPO contracts.
If PPO's are a risk to the pool in the case just stated by the CWB, they are a risk the rest of the time as well.
All that happened was we waited to deliver our grain, in an orderly manner... in a low risk transaction to our farms... with an option to have two crop years to choose from to meet the contract requirements we entered into with the CWB.
The PPO's using the PRO are frankly the CWB's real problem... right along with the failure to provide a fair reasonable transparent cash prices.
Take the #1CWRS needed right now in Vancouver for Japan.
We have local #1CWRS sitting in farmers bins here in Alberta.
If a premium were offered... to the farmer, we would be more than happy to provide the grain needed.
Instead the Railways and grain companies get the extra handle... at our [the farmer's own] expense.
Lost Prosperity.
Lost Opportunity.
Lost Hope.
Lost Faith.
A "single desk" win... claimed by the CWB.
It seriously looks like the CWB can make the most money, with the least risk to the pool... through EPO contracts.
If PPO's are a risk to the pool in the case just stated by the CWB, they are a risk the rest of the time as well.
All that happened was we waited to deliver our grain, in an orderly manner... in a low risk transaction to our farms... with an option to have two crop years to choose from to meet the contract requirements we entered into with the CWB.
The PPO's using the PRO are frankly the CWB's real problem... right along with the failure to provide a fair reasonable transparent cash prices.
Take the #1CWRS needed right now in Vancouver for Japan.
We have local #1CWRS sitting in farmers bins here in Alberta.
If a premium were offered... to the farmer, we would be more than happy to provide the grain needed.
Instead the Railways and grain companies get the extra handle... at our [the farmer's own] expense.
Lost Prosperity.
Lost Opportunity.
Lost Hope.
Lost Faith.
A "single desk" win... claimed by the CWB.