At the CWB Caresland meeting the Ontario Wheat P M Board (OWPMB) has been proven to have created a $15-25/t benefit by allowing the industry to handle wheat between delivery to elevators and endusers domestically and internationally.
If we moved to the option of the CWB being paid $1.50/t... on all board grain that is exempted like Ontario does for their farmers... the issue of survival of the OWPMB is NOT an issue.
If all OWPMB grain is marketed directly... and farmers are all getting $15-25/t benefit because of efficiencies the private trade can and do create... the OWPMB has done the best thing possible for wheat producers by exempting wheat sales.
Many larger grain co's own ships, have direct relationships with endusers... know how to maximise currency swings and are responsible for grain quality being delivered to end users.
And just watch the flow back to us as wheat farmers... if the responsibilities for manageing logistics is in their hands... those who are best at manageing this part of the system... because they own it and are it... instead of being cost plus through the CWB.
The OWPMB still has it's monopoly... and can arbitrage that wheat system for farmers if the trade gets out of line by marketing grain directly if the trade get's too greedy. Same could have been the case with the CWB IF they had the intellegnce to step into the new Millenium. We need choices... not a destroyed CWB.
On currency... the CWB is costing us farmer's massive amounts by not allowing the trade to look after this risk... and leaving it with us the wheat farmer in western Canada.
Chairmain Ritter admitted this at the Sherwood Park meeting... by saying the CWB is not an expert at manageing currency risk...
In other words the pool is the tool... and I pay the bill for no viable risk management strategy through the pool account.
Please... we would like to pay you and the CWB to step aside... so we can move foreward with efficiencies back to the farm gate... where appropriate could the CWB at least do this much for us?
At the CWB Caresland meeting the Ontario Wheat P M Board (OWPMB) has been proven to have created a $15-25/t benefit by allowing the industry to handle wheat between delivery to elevators and endusers domestically and internationally.
If we moved to the option of the CWB being paid $1.50/t... on all board grain that is exempted like Ontario does for their farmers... the issue of survival of the OWPMB is NOT an issue.
If all OWPMB grain is marketed directly... and farmers are all getting $15-25/t benefit because of efficiencies the private trade can and do create... the OWPMB has done the best thing possible for wheat producers by exempting wheat sales.
Many larger grain co's own ships, have direct relationships with endusers... know how to maximise currency swings and are responsible for grain quality being delivered to end users.
And just watch the flow back to us as wheat farmers... if the responsibilities for manageing logistics is in their hands... those who are best at manageing this part of the system... because they own it and are it... instead of being cost plus through the CWB.
The OWPMB still has it's monopoly... and can arbitrage that wheat system for farmers if the trade gets out of line by marketing grain directly if the trade get's too greedy. Same could have been the case with the CWB IF they had the intellegnce to step into the new Millenium. We need choices... not a destroyed CWB.
On currency... the CWB is costing us farmer's massive amounts by not allowing the trade to look after this risk... and leaving it with us the wheat farmer in western Canada.
Chairmain Ritter admitted this at the Sherwood Park meeting... by saying the CWB is not an expert at manageing currency risk...
In other words the pool is the tool... and I pay the bill for no viable risk management strategy through the pool account.
Please... we would like to pay you and the CWB to step aside... so we can move foreward with efficiencies back to the farm gate... where appropriate could the CWB at least do this much for us?