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Is it snowing in Ottawa?

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    Is it snowing in Ottawa?

    Belinda's walk across the floor reminds one of Trudeau's walk in the snow.

    Wonder how Mr. Layton feels about aligning with big business today?

    If the grain marketing border starts at Manitoba, where should the new boundaries be for MB SK AB and BC, given the circumstances of today?

    You could see the glee in the CBC commentators eyes.............Am thinking this is painful but way better now than after/during the election.What a spectacle watching Belinda`s `personal` interview with sourpuss Mansbridge...national unity my a$$..it`s all about power!The word Gomery was only used twice thru the whole CBC broadcast.


      I thought your reference to snow was hell freezing over. Who needs reality TV/afternoon soaps when you have this kind of politics in Ottawa.

      At least there will be lots to listen to on the radio in tractor cabs. I can see tractors up to their axles in muddy sloughs/whole rows of fences taken out as the operators get so wound up in the radio talk shows they forgot about driving. Spray season/resulting weeds from sprayer misses will be an even bigger indication of political rhetoric over the next month.



        There can be no dout that the Stronach empire will benefit enormously by this politically expedient move.

        Belinda has always been a protectionist in her leanings... David Orchard support should have left no doubt.

        I have no doubt this IS a watershed moment in Canadian politics.

        That money runs Belinda's life should be no surprise to anyone... and being the next Liberal leader is much more likely than being the next Conservative leader for her anyway.

        Would you really expect anything else out of a blonde bombshell that only a few days ago spent time with Bill Clinton (again)... and has ambition backed by no lack of resourses?


          I don't know, Tom. Your eyes must be getting old. "Wealthy", yes. "Blond", yes. "Attractive", yes. "Bombshell", nope.


            well she dropped a bombshell....


              She met with Clinton eh?
              Has anyone noticed if Paul Martin has taken up cigars or not?


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