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CWB Monopoly Value FPC vs DPC

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    You can't seriously try and tell us that the VAST majority of Alberta grain growers do not want a way to market grain outside of the CWB if they want???

    As soon as they proposed that idea everyone I know was excited about finally getting out from under Ottawa's thumb. I guess you are saying that the Choice matters campaign was just a way to keep farmers happy through another election.

    All I can say is that I am getting very tired of the tories and their big promises or ideas, only to see them wither away when Ottawa slaps their wrist and tells them to be nice to big brother.



      Alberta government is still committed to market choice for wheat and barley which includes a CWB alternative. That could be Alberta only or western Canada. Work still continues although it may not be as visible/fast as you would like.

      Even in the CWB environment, there are new marketing tools. They are actions a farmer can take so they need to be reviewed and decisions made about them in their marketing plan.

      I agree with Tom4cwb on the problems with being forced to sign up on the DPC program prior to having full knowledge on pricing (including the issues around how class, grade and protein spreads will be determined). Many (including myself) have expressed these concerns directly to the CWB and through other channels.

      Hopefully the commodity area achieves some balance of policy and marketing decisions.


        What ever happened to the Choice Matters campaign? I had visited their web site at one time.



          I thank you and the folks at Alberta Agriculture for working on this issue.

          It certainly appears that the only way the CWB Directors and management will honestly face the real needs and aspirations of Alberta Farmers will be if another option in marketing is provided... the issue here is a case in point of serious mismanagement by the CWB.

          I would LOVE to be proven wrong... and see the CWB repent: and change their ways...!

          WHen I mislead someone and cost them big time... IF I have integrety... I have an obligation to restore that party and pay up.

          NOT at the CWB... if a person objects to the "Monopoly" especially.

          I still have outstanding bills the CWB owes... and it refuses to pay. Only a monopoly management team would attempt to SPIN things the way the CWB does today...

          AND be deceived into believing they can get away with it!


            Commitment and Action are two different things.

            Until the Alberta Government can show me that they are actually taking action instead of wasting money on brochures, surveys, and web sites, I will look for someone who will actually do something!

            It is not my intention to let my Grandchildren go through their lives not having some sort of freedom to sell the production from our farm as they wish.

            It is obvious that as long as Ontario controls the federal gov't we are going to have the CWB. It is also obvious that as long as the tories are in Alberta we will get empty promises.



              Frustration felt... and recogised... and justified to a large extent.

              Don't give the CWB to pleasure of destroying the biggest threat to their monopoly... THE ALBERTA GOVERNMENT.

              I will encourage, help, support anyone who has taken the public stand the Alberta Gov. has taken for freedom of marketing wheat and barley in Alberta.

              I know many resources have been used... in this battle. But not doing anything is 100 times worse than what is being done now!

              Charlie, Brenda, Minister Horner...

              Thankyou for what we have seen so far... please keep it up... and please show us your plan for constructive marketing choice so we can help bring Alberta real choice for grain farmers!



                Just looking for your thoughts on what could be done differently.


                1) CWB Act is federal legislation. Realizing the differences between Ontario and western Canada, the legislation seems to be pretty much bullet proof.

                2) The CWB are the ones who set policy and enforce it. There are levels of industry consultation by the CWB (most of it out of the publice eye) but when the smoke clears, they make the decisions on issues. Perhaps the most effective way to change things is to deal with this area. I note the CWB election review that is occurring.

                3) The Alberta government works with industry. Our voice is much stronger when supported by farm organizations/industry. The market choice successes have been getting agreement among industry groups and presenting a united stand on issues that the feds need to listen to. Our objective is to move beyond the retoric and present a solid business case for market alternatives outside the current CWB system.

                The case in point today is barley. My sense is the industry (all levels) is calling for change.



                  Choice matters website is still there.


                  Just for fun, type in www.choicematters.ca. There is a story here but you need to buy me coffee before I will share.



                    1. We must constitutionally do the same as Ontario... the Alberta Wheat & Barley Board (AWBB) has a right to exist... the same as in Ontario. Agriculture is constitutionally shared jurisdiction... just like Supply Management is. Alberta has a real moral and legal right to be involved in helping Alberta farmers market their grain.

                    2. The Liberals talk big about rights... yet weed users and gay rights are protected... while the feds confiscate Alberta wheat and barley. This is inexcusable and much stronger ground for the AWBB than any other federal issue we are confronted with today.

                    3. Marketing Choice must be key... which means true choice including a CWB marketing option for Alberta growers of wheat and barley... this needs to be specific to the function and operation of the AWBB goals and objectives.

                    The AWBB can add value to the CWB... work with the CWB... in a co-operative system to supply the best value for Alberta farmers who grow wheat and barley. Supply Management does this today province by province. Wheat and Barley is constitutionally no different than eggs, turkey, chicken or dairy.

                    Hope this is what you were looking for!


                      I am sorry, but if you think the CWB elections are going to help those that want some choice and competition, you are dreaming.

                      There is no need for more blah, blah, blah from farm groups and lobbyists. If Alberta wanted to, they could set up the Alberta Wheat Board tomorrow. Just like they talk of standing up for our health care system and finding a "new way", they do nothing to change things other than increase spending. Hmmm, sounds like the Ottawa Liberal party.

                      "Consultation" and discussions are a waste of everyones time right now, they are merely a way of prolonging the status quo and beaurocrat jobs.


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