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Market Power of Single Desk - Must Read TV

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    Market Power of Single Desk - Must Read TV

    the right side argument:


    the left side argument:


    no side facts:


    Familiarize yourself with the 3 reports because in 3 weeks, the timeline for change is fast approaching. Government, farmers and the CWB has had their chance to change and chose not to. And for all the fighting that has gone in this forum and in this country over the last 30 years, the net result will be some bureaucrat trading away your right to choose for the betterment of the country.

    And you can send Mr. Hill back to Geneva, Vader but you might as well save the pooling costs. With a 23% voter turnout in the last CWB election, the die was cast then.

    Isn't it Ironic, Don't ya think. Its like a free ride, when you've already paid - Alanis Morrisette

    You still don't get it. The marketing debate is just a red herring. The real problem is a lack of committment by society in agriculture. Society wants cheap high quality food no matter who produces it. Marketing won't stop the increase in input costs or the demise of independent farm operations. Agribusiness, including banks , agri-food corporations and chemical companies will soon manage agriculture with us as employees. Maybe this will be a good thing as individuals cannot take on the enormous risks in farming.



      Corps have no interest owning dirt. Not ADM, not SWP and not the banks.


        Corps don't have to own the dirt. Just look at Tysons. The owners of chicken farms in the states have become "chicken farm janitors".

        I agree with Agstar, but not so sure that being an employee will be any improvement over what we have today.


          We have basically sold our farms to the banks and suppliers because of the high costs of inputs, all that is left is the paperwork. Owning the dirt is not a big deal anymore,just a liability.



            using the chicken farmer theory and Tyson's...what differences do w. Canadian wheat farmers have if they grow 1 CWRS 13.5?


            How much cash do you think you leave on the table every year because of poor marketing? Are you in the top 50 percentile of sales...top 75%...top 95%?

            Worry about things you can change. If you are worrying about things you can't, what are you doing to TRY and change it?



              Constructive change is a long hard road of hard fought battles down at the CWB.

              If I had the power the CWB has... it would be tempting for me to ignore all the warning signs of impending distruction...

              As the CWB has does to the largest extent.

              COmplaining about Tyson and ADM is a smoke screen for those too lazy to do their job... and the sign of a guilty concience.

              Hope to talk to you on Thrs in Camrose thanks and kudos to you for doing the tour!


                The difference between Tyson and the CWB is that Tyson has become rich on the backs of the chicken farmers. The CWB returns all sales revenues minus expenses (approx. 10 cents per bushel) to the farmers.



                  The likes of Chairman Ritter, Rod Flaman, Adrian Measner... the list goes on and on... 600 plus people... plus vehicles... and on and on...

                  All these folks make and net more than the average grain farmer does... by far!

                  The interest in preserving the CWB has a strong self interest... for those mentioned above milking grain farmers down at the CWB... you must admit!

                  How is this any different than Tysons or ADM?


                    Tom, what a ridiculous argument. I suppose that you would want CWB employees to be underpaid and dissatisfied with their jobs. Then they would most certainly not want the CWB to continue to exist, and your wishes would come true.



                      Perhaps you forgot. (Or don't care any more)

                      The CWB was NOT invited to market my wheat or barley...

                      I, my father before me, and my grandad before me did not ask the CWB to market our farm's wheat or barley.

                      The extra layer of acadamic vegetation that calls themselves "Marketers" down at the CWB:

                      1. Do not ask when I need my grain sales completed;

                      2. Continue to Pool all grain sales they handle... including FPC's BPC's DPC's and EPO's...

                      All sales NOW go through the pool accounts...

                      To insure the CWB pool "is not effected" which is double speak for preserve the pooling system at all costs to prevent transparency of CWB sales values...

                      Which is double speak for refusing to be responsible for CWB sales decisions.

                      3. The CWB is not an accountable corp. (Directors to shareholders as CWB; responsible to the Liberals in Ottawa) CWB NOT responsible to those who use the corp. to sell their ag produce... just like Tyson's or ADM... the preservation of the CWB's power... the "SIngle DEsk" is where my profit is channeled instead into the shareholders pockets as occurs in ADM and Tyson's.

                      So in the end; a voluntary CWB with market choice would solve all these issues Vader...

                      Which is why Chairman Ritter and Rod Flaman were elected in the first place to create...

                      Instead these two Liberal lap dogs chose to schmoose and smooth talk us out of our hard earned cash to fill their own pockets!

                      How does this make the CWB any better morally or ethically than ADM or Tyson's... when every second statement from the CWB is a misrepresentation of fact and a distortion of truth?


                        And you don't slant all your rhetoric with fear and deception? All you need is a pulpit to preach fire and brimstone.



                          A simple question:

                          Why is asking for the right to say NO... and use the services of a different marketer deception and evil?

                          Few outside independant observers would agree that a service provider with a monopoly will provide the least cost service with the best options and benefits!

                          Why is it so wrong to simply have my farm's needs be met by a choice to market grain through freedom to choose...

                          An option to have a marketing partner who provides the best and most efficient services... (as can be done with non-board grains)

                          Rather than marketing at CWB gun point with the threat of imprisonment as Chairman Ritter so clearly brought to my attention in January at Wildrose!

                          How is the CWB at all compatible with a free and democratic society?


                            Your first mistake TOM was to ever think you live in a free and democratic society...actually you live in the nanny state...where the government knows what is best for you!
                            How long has this debate be going on about the CWB? Will it be likely that it will be solved in your lifetime?
                            The CWB is like any other government beuracracy...bloated, inefficient, and self serving?
                            What happened to all the tough talk by Shirley McKlellan? The Alberta government has the power to put an end to this farce but refuse to do so? How can anyone say they live in a free society when the fact is western Canadian grainfarmers are treated in a different way than their counterparts in the rest of Canada? A dictatorship in how you market your grain is not compatible with freedom!


                              At the cabin on the weekend, I found a Western Producer dated September, 1987.

                              You could have changed the date to July 09, 2005 and nothing has changed.



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