Perhaps you forgot. (Or don't care any more)
The CWB was NOT invited to market my wheat or barley...
I, my father before me, and my grandad before me did not ask the CWB to market our farm's wheat or barley.
The extra layer of acadamic vegetation that calls themselves "Marketers" down at the CWB:
1. Do not ask when I need my grain sales completed;
2. Continue to Pool all grain sales they handle... including FPC's BPC's DPC's and EPO's...
All sales NOW go through the pool accounts...
To insure the CWB pool "is not effected" which is double speak for preserve the pooling system at all costs to prevent transparency of CWB sales values...
Which is double speak for refusing to be responsible for CWB sales decisions.
3. The CWB is not an accountable corp. (Directors to shareholders as CWB; responsible to the Liberals in Ottawa) CWB NOT responsible to those who use the corp. to sell their ag produce... just like Tyson's or ADM... the preservation of the CWB's power... the "SIngle DEsk" is where my profit is channeled instead into the shareholders pockets as occurs in ADM and Tyson's.
So in the end; a voluntary CWB with market choice would solve all these issues Vader...
Which is why Chairman Ritter and Rod Flaman were elected in the first place to create...
Instead these two Liberal lap dogs chose to schmoose and smooth talk us out of our hard earned cash to fill their own pockets!
How does this make the CWB any better morally or ethically than ADM or Tyson's... when every second statement from the CWB is a misrepresentation of fact and a distortion of truth?
Perhaps you forgot. (Or don't care any more)
The CWB was NOT invited to market my wheat or barley...
I, my father before me, and my grandad before me did not ask the CWB to market our farm's wheat or barley.
The extra layer of acadamic vegetation that calls themselves "Marketers" down at the CWB:
1. Do not ask when I need my grain sales completed;
2. Continue to Pool all grain sales they handle... including FPC's BPC's DPC's and EPO's...
All sales NOW go through the pool accounts...
To insure the CWB pool "is not effected" which is double speak for preserve the pooling system at all costs to prevent transparency of CWB sales values...
Which is double speak for refusing to be responsible for CWB sales decisions.
3. The CWB is not an accountable corp. (Directors to shareholders as CWB; responsible to the Liberals in Ottawa) CWB NOT responsible to those who use the corp. to sell their ag produce... just like Tyson's or ADM... the preservation of the CWB's power... the "SIngle DEsk" is where my profit is channeled instead into the shareholders pockets as occurs in ADM and Tyson's.
So in the end; a voluntary CWB with market choice would solve all these issues Vader...
Which is why Chairman Ritter and Rod Flaman were elected in the first place to create...
Instead these two Liberal lap dogs chose to schmoose and smooth talk us out of our hard earned cash to fill their own pockets!
How does this make the CWB any better morally or ethically than ADM or Tyson's... when every second statement from the CWB is a misrepresentation of fact and a distortion of truth?