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The CWB returns all sales revenues minus expenses (approx. 10 cents per bushel) to the farmers.

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    The CWB returns all sales revenues minus expenses (approx. 10 cents per bushel) to the farmers.

    Just wanted to start a new thread as the other one died.


    The CWB takes $3.67 a tonne as you stated below in a post. In a good year on wheat, thats $3.67 an acre. Good year in barley, double that to $7.50 an acre.

    Margins in canola run through export run $8.00 to $11.00. Don't get me started on canola crush.

    Why is it that the CWB, the farmer's advocate allows margins for CWB handled grains to run between $19.00 and $23.00. Hell, the two privately held companies brag about every quarter.

    The CWB is an avenue for companies to print money while you sit idly by and allow it happen. And then, in the most hypocritical fashion, bash ADM whenever you can, beacuse they are multi-national? Your beloved pools are on the same gravy train.

    SO with the 23 dollar margin, your 3.67 and add in the railways freight at 38 dollars from a mid point in SK; the total PER ACRE for handling is 26.67 and freight of 38 for a grand total per acre of $64.67 an acre for a 37 bushel an acre crop.


    Every farmer freaks when canola basis gets to 30 and 40 dollars. THE BASIS ON WHEAT IS frikkin $64.67 a TONNE.


    You are right Agstar...I don't get it. Neither do you.

    Thats an interesting post incognito, that maybe one of the better aurguments you've made in a long while I like the basis angle.


      opps arguments


        So you say grain companies would charge less and the railways would charge less for freight if the CWB did not exist. Maybe you should ask the americans if their railways charge less.


          You complain about the railways yet you probably were one of the first to ask for the removal of the crow rate so we could be free. Well we are free of those awful low crow rates and life is much better. Don't get me started.


            When you add the basis to freight, is it still basis?


              I would like to hear you get started Agstar! Let me hear all your best reasons for keeping the status quo.

              You also seem to know how much it costs Americans to get their grain to market, how much is it? (honest question)



                I had an interesting discussion with CWB's Ward W. at the Sherwood Park CWB meeting this past spring.

                He told me the CWB had to have $8.00/t ... and I said Why?

                The Ontario Wheat Producers Marketing Board does it for $1.50/t on exempted export wheat this year I am told.

                With the volumes the CWB handles they should be cheaper if they were efficient.

                Then on the Daily Price Contract there is the issue that the CWB claims to extract a premium. Where is this premium? Studies showing a CWB advantage were dubious at the time they were done years ago... and irrelevant now.

                Then there is the CWB proof... benchmarking that was all shoved under the carpet when a premium could not be proved. Show us the premium... in our bank account Vader... where is it?

                CWB grading in 04-05 on wheat is a joke... perfectly good milling wheat with falling #'s in acceptable levels is downgraded to feed.

                This system is a nightmare... and a mile from being fair! AND the CWB directors have not done anything constructive to make it better. WInter wheat ILLEGALLY had grade changes (on visual sprouts NOT falling #'s)in September 2004... led by the CWB.

                Show us the money in our pocket Vader... where is it?


                  Where did I complain about the railways?

                  You've never answered any farming questions Agstar...

                  Could it be your farm is at 423 Main?


                    You stated that the rail frt. was 38 from sask. So you are not complaining about this rate? I am not happy with the rail charges or the handling charges, but until the U.S. lets wheat in without a duty we are screwed. Marketing with a single seller will still return more than marketing through multiple sellers competing against one another. On the other hand it may not be economic for Canadian farmers to export wheat at the present time because there are too many low cost producers dumping wheat on the world market. This may mean exporting under any marketing regime would still be losing proposition. As for farming, we have farmed for 70 years in the same location, and it is not on Main st. Not long ago farmers in the northern states wanted to export through Canada, saying we had cheaper rates.


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