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The CWB returns all sales revenues minus expenses (approx. 10 cents per bushel) to the farmers.

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    Canola on Canola on...

    I am with you on moving up the chain to get closer to the end user, and working directly with them to increase productivity and value for both our operations while reducing costs of production jointly.

    Co-operation and close communication is only smart business... becoming involved directly in marketing with the enduser makes me a better producer of products they buy from me!


      Seventy Years !! ?? Holy s___.

      Agstar has managed to get us off topic again without answering the initial questions and debate at the start of the post.


        So if you think the CWB allows grain companies to charge too much why would they charge less without the CWB. With the rate of consolidation two grain handling facilities in Mb. three in Sask and two in ALTA would work, perhaps directly controlled by the CWB. Anther route would be grain prepared to spec on the farm, picked up and loaded at bulk inland terminals. I am not saying there is not a future in farming, just in mass production of generic grain. If you guys have not noticed most of the prairies are becoming depopulated, largely due to the drive to efficiency of large scale production. We need to find better uses for our land mass that is more population intensive. The argument about basisisnt abot how the system works as much as it is what we are producing, we need higher value products where handling and shipping costs are less important,


          In your opinion then, how would you say the CWB is improving the situation in helping us develop higher value products for export?


            "yet you probably were one of the first to ask for the removal of the crow rate"

            Were you one of the naysayers that said the crow was there for life. One of the first to derail a 13 billion payment from Pepin, or one that opposed a 7 billion payment from Mayer and then went to the sidelines in 1995 when REG handed out 1.3 billion?

            How different would the prairies be with an extra 12 billion dollars in 1982 dollars versus 1.3 in 1995?

            Who is accountable for that?

            Re basis: compare basis for non-board grains versus CWB grains and your question is answered.



              Is there one CWB IP program that has an increased premium from the startup of the new IP grain?

              I have not seen one.

              In fact all our CPS IP contracts have been virtually illiminated. Winter Wheat is valued close to $1.00/bu below comparable px US winter wheat PNW bids... and the CWB claims we Canadians have better quality now than the US in the new select varieties.

              Where are the monopoly premiums that the CWB is there to extract especially in these smaller classes of wheat and barley?

              I am getting large IP Canola premiums... it is going into my bank account...

              Agstar77... where is the extra premium money for me to deposit and pay my bills from board grains?

              THe CWB says I "abused" the system by direct delivering my PR5700 under CWB contract to pay our farm a contract premium of $2571.86 for this CWB contracted IP grain delivered under CWB board contract which was due July 21st 2003.

              The CWB still has not paid the premium to my farm and family... in fact they even refuse to respond to the bill set to them.

              Only a monopoly in Canada can get away with this abuse and lack of integrety!


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