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CWB Daily Price Contract ENDS July 22nd

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    CWB Daily Price Contract ENDS July 22nd


    THe CWB says:

    "The CWB's Risk Management department has to know in advance of the start of the pool, how many tonnes need to be hedged to protect the pool accounts and prevent a shortfall. The DPC is priced independently of the pool account. Therefore there will be times when the DPC price is at a premium of the pool and other times when it will be at a discount. Without a signup deadline prior to the start of the pool farmers could choose the better of the two prices and dilute the end value of the pool or remove grain from the pools, which could impact sales opportunities."

    Now Charlie, please explain how Fixed Price Contracts and Basis Priced Contacts are different in effect from the pool.

    Does this mean that the FIxed PRice COntract and BAsis Contracts ARE priced in direct relation to the pool?

    How exactly is the CWB going to lose grain when the US Border has a duty on CWRS, CPS, CWES wheats and we can't get to the market in any event because of the tariffs?

    Many times the FPC has been well over the PRO... was it bad that growers could take the risk on flat pricing...

    We all know the pool could easily go higher and net more than the FPC in the months ahead... where is the logical explantion for the July 22nd deadline?

    WHy are the CWB managers allowed to get away with halftruths and sick excuses to justify their lazy streak?

    Tom, you ask a question about the CWB rationale for the design of the progams indicating that you do not know the answers and do not have all the facts at your disposal, then you end by making allegations of lying. This is the type of behavior I would expect of adolescents, not mature intelligent people.


      Can you answer or reply to any of his questions or comments Vader? Do you even know of what he is talking about or are you only able to call down anyone who questions big brother's activities?



        Right now the Fixed Price COntract for CPS, CWRW, Barley are all over the PRO.

        Does this mean it is diluting the pool because a grain grower can get more than what the pool can return?

        I don't understand how the CWB "hedges" a US basket price of wheat interior US price points... please explain how this works to me.

        When we showed the DPC Dec. 05 futures calculations were NOT legit... the CWB simply stopped showing the calculation using a future price on June 29th...

        So Vader since the DPC is an 05-06 price... delivered through the 05-06 crop year as the contract picked opens... how exactly does the DPC work when it does not have a base using a futures contract? How is it hedged if futures are not used? If it is hedged... what futures contract will be used?



          How about having a talk this week with CWB management and getting the DPC extended till at least Sept 1/05... so we have a small opportunity to see what our quality more likely will be from this 05 harvest?

          Wouldn't this be reasonable considering the tinkering the "trial period" experienced?


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