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Frost poll

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    Frost poll

    Any body else starting to get a little nervous..............Artic air outbreaks after the 10th of August with rain now in the forecast for next week. Lots of green Canola out there yet.

    Global warming will save us - won't it?


      Out here on the western fringe (west of Rimbey)crops are looking great - for July. Heavy, heavy crops of canola, wheat, barley and oats all bright green, not a touch of ripening. Folks are getting nervous.


        Down to plus 3 last night. Got a fairly good frost on July 24th! Turned the tops of the potatoes black, smoked the tomatoes! Sure am glad we have global warming?
        Sure wish someone would tell Mother Nature that? Maybe we could get all the "global warming" experts to take up a petition demanding that the darned weather co-operate with their theories?
        I remember a cute cartoon where this old boy is wading through snow up to his butt with a sign "I support Global Warming"! Sort of how I feel too.


          Cool spells or early frosts don't mean that global warming isn't happening. If you look seriously at the research and predictions associated with global warming it is clear that although temperatures may be rising overall they are by no means rising by two or three degrees year round. It has always been indicated that global warming will result in more wild and wacky weather, more severe extremes, whether that be cold snaps in summer and warm spells in February in Canada or exceptional rain events or snow in the deserts in other parts of the world.


            Well grassfarmer, I see you are not a big Tim Ball fan? He is the meterologist that writes an editorial in the Country Guide?
            He thinks Global Warming is a bunch of garbage.
            However I am sure you would not be impressed by some small time provincial guy who questions any thing the "experts" might come up with?
            Funny how back in the seventies all those same "experts" were really sold on the idea that we were about to enter an ice age? I wonder what the "theory of the day" will be next year?
            I caught a show the other day where they said Mt. Saint Helen put more green house gasses in the air than all that man had ever contributed over recorded civilization. Kind of makes you feel insignifacant when you hear something like that...and that was only one volcano!
            I think people should accept anything the "experts" say with a grain of salt? They obviously have been so wrong about a lot of things? Common sense and learning not to believe everything you hear are good things to pursue...much better than being a gullible sheeple?



              After the coolest season in 2004 one should really dispute the theory.

              C02 in the atmosphere is much lower now than the theorists must admit when the earth set the hydrocarbons into the ground in the first place.

              Extremes in weather have always been happening... sunspots have much greater effect than Co2 emissions as does water vapour being released into the upper atmosphere especially by aircraft.

              We are being sucked into a dead end theory that ignores reality.

              Energy conservation itself is a smart good thing... solar energy, recycling biomass to consumable power or fuel is a great idea.

              Indisputable scientific research could easily prove water vapour is the #1 global warming greenhouse gas... do you think this will stop airplanes from flying that greenhouse gas and releaseing it into the most effective atmoshere to warm the earth?

              We had 1dC @ Killam Saturday morning zero at Westlock.



                Are those green beans you've got growing by the home place in danger of frost? They look like some new short version of fava beans?
                It would be good if there was a market for another legume crop to offset fertilizer prices given the direction natural gas is taking.



                  They are zero tanin faba beans, the variety Snowbird from the EU.

                  They should soon start drying out and be ready to harvest by the 1st week of October. They are about 27%px, average 5%px above peas.


                    Talked to my brother around Calgary and enough frost to brown the tops of beans and zucchini but not enough to damage crops.


                      If garden plants are showing some damage than there will be damage in field crops. We had no damage on garden tomatoes last year(04)but frost damage on spring wheat and durum in west central Sask.


                        The low was 0.8 degrees Saturday night at the weather station. There was white frost on grass in some farm yards.


                          That temp of 0.8 degrees was here at Brooks.


                            Sounds like it is coming again tonight.

                            Just when you think you have escaped it for a while...


                              Saw a field of corn 1/2 hour west of Brooks yesterday. In the low area of the field, all the top leaves had frozen off and were dried up!


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