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harvest delays,frost

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    harvest delays,frost

    Just woundering if the market will react to recent weather(green peas- bleach, canola heat/frost damage)Alot of rain falling, and alot of frost damage getting reported in certain areas from the last two weeks. The Media can stick there bumper crop up thier A$$. Feed Peas at$3/bus? you need 60 to 70 bus to make money.
    Yes there will be alot of good crops, but not close to bumper yields that the market thinks.

    A good first indicator will be the Stats Can first crop production estimate coming out Friday, August 26. This survey-based report is based on producer surveys done the last week of July and the first week of August.

    Now, the question is 'will the results show a smaller crop yield than expected?' because most farmers that I talk to underestimate their yields when talking to Stats Can.


      Couldn't sleep, checked rain guage, 4.3 inches in the last 48 hours. Everything is lodging over, even some canola has a lean on it. Weather warnings for the east side of the province, (Lloyd down to provost) more rain! Peas were about 3 days away, now more like 10. A neighbour took off first pea field in the area-south of Killam- greens ran 58 and they looked great.


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