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Seeding Winter Wheat

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    Seeding Winter Wheat


    I see Ducks Unlimited has offered through the CWB:

    Farmers Who Seeded CWRW Select Eligible For First-Class Trip To California

    Winnipeg – The Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) today announced that Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) has generously agreed to renew their sponsorship of a special prize for the CWB Master Grower program for Canada Western Red Winter (CWRW) Select award recipients in 2005-06. CWRW Select is part of the CWB's Identity Preserved Contract Program, which pays farmers a premium for producing grains aimed at developing customer markets.

    For Northern Alberta, we have Radiant (Good Supply for now) and a little Osprey left. 780-998-3036 for seed.

    Seeding should be done by Sept 15th if possible.

    sorry this got posted twice folks,at first it would'nt post I thought maybe the computer was a packer lover? tried again and it posted twice,probably a good thing it got on here twice anyway,some of these packer lovers like cs wilson,read it twice they might start understanding..........good luck


      There will unlimited ducks on hailed out pea fields this year.


        Sounds like a fairly good idea, especially the part about letting the smaller guy in on the deal.
        When they talk about banning packers from owning livestock: I assume they are talking about a certain length of time? In Canada there is no restrictions on packers owning and feeding cattle. They have done this for years...long before Cargill or IBP came to town. They have always killed their own cattle up here when the price got too high, so they could put pressure on the market!
        Seems to me your government does a lot more to protect you against the packers than ours does? Of course our federal government always sides with big business at the expense of the common man.
        Maybe we need an organization that works for the interest of the cow/calf guy up here, instead of the big feedlots an packers? R-CALF will never sell up here, but I believe BIG C is a reasonable alternative in Canada.


          Oh, one more thing Haymaker! If this captive market thing takes hold in the USA, do you think Cargill/IBP might think killing cattle is a better proposition in Canada than the USA? I mean they can pretty well do whatever they desire up here including telling the federal government to go to hell when they wanted to look at the books?
          Maybe they will just truck all the cattle north to be fed and slaughtered?
          My whole point here is we need harmonized rules in Canada and the USA, whether it be health issues or labor laws or packer legislation. If we are going to have free trade we can't have different rules or the pirates will dodge across the border wherever the best deal is?
          R-CALF is doing their best to make Canada a place for the pirates to operate!


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