The elections should be weighted to represent the actual acres of CWB grains in each book, just like public company
NO it should not. There have been MANY producers in the last number of years that because of drought, floods, hail or other marketing opportunities didn't have grain to sell to the CWB. We don't disagree with their policies, and even if we did, wouldn't a common 1 farm/1vote be a fair way to progressively change the system if something has to be changed?
If you aren't happy with selling milling wheat through the CWB, then find a miller that will buy your "Feed Wht" from you for a substaintial premium.
NO it should not. There have been MANY producers in the last number of years that because of drought, floods, hail or other marketing opportunities didn't have grain to sell to the CWB. We don't disagree with their policies, and even if we did, wouldn't a common 1 farm/1vote be a fair way to progressively change the system if something has to be changed?
If you aren't happy with selling milling wheat through the CWB, then find a miller that will buy your "Feed Wht" from you for a substaintial premium.