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Austra;ian Wheat Scandal

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    Austra;ian Wheat Scandal

    As an australian farmer its interesting theres been no comment on here about the AWB and the $300 mill
    bribe to make a sale of wheat to a joranian trucking company that ended up in saddam hussains pocket
    How ever poorly your CWB treat canadian farmers our AWB is twice as bad.
    Last edited by malleefarmer; Dec 23, 2018, 04:13.

    Hey, our last "leader" and our current one have so many ties, and friends that are tied to the oil for food scandal, it would, no should, make your scandal look tiny.

    The problem here is that our media loves these guys to death because they are all hoping to get appointed to be Senators or the Govenor General someday. They would never say anything even close to the truth about what is really going on in the capital let alone the wheat board. That is a closed book to everyone but the gov't.



      We need an Australian to come over, to Canada, and tell us how the AWB could have gotten away with this corruption for so long!

      There is no question the CWB can do exactly what the AWB did, and the Monopoly is the key to corruption and lack of accountability.

      We need to expose this lack of accountability so it can not happen any more!

      Got any suggestions who we should have come to Canada and help stop this corruption?


        Just remember that you can be held legally responsible for allegations when you post messages on the internet, in other words keep proof handy.



          Welcome to Agr-ville!

          Canadian Western farmers cannot be certain what really goes on at the Canadian Wheat baord, how they do business, or who they do business with, because the CWB is COMPLETLY immune to any oversight, or inspection by farmers, or by governments when they try to find out something from Access to Information departments.

          A change in Government in Canada in our next general election will reveal mismanagement, or corruption if it has occurred.

          At the present time, the CWB has total access to spending the farmers' pooling account money, but they argue in court that they are not accountable to farmers.

          It is unconscionable.

          Do Australian farmers have access to the AWB's books?



            Bring your lawyers then Agstar.


              I rephrase my above post to alleged bribe.

              If it was anyone other than AWB ie a multinational trader all hell would have broken loose.
              AWB are keeping to the line of innocense and ignorance but some one must have known.

              Harvest is about to crank up here and there is a huge huge if not record wheat crop to come out of Aust which is basically quality as well no downgrading to speak of.

              There cant be much daylight between where the current wheat market is and the bottom can there?



                Last year 621 Million tonnes of wheat produced. The largest crop of wheat in the history of the planet. Also the largest crop of soybeans, the largest crop of corn and the largest crop of durum wheat IN THE HISTORY OF THE PLANET!!

                Record low grain prices!!


                I think not!

                Let's just keep doing what we're doing.


                  Vader.........and who would know THAT better than somebody at the gov`t t--t in Winterpeg!!!!LEAD,follow or get the H out of the way!!


                    Thanks Cropduster - I choose LEAD


                      Fo7und me first thread shit im part of the furniture here and bugger me my grammer aint no better
                      Last edited by malleefarmer; Dec 23, 2018, 04:14.


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