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    Pro CWB

    I support the CWB as a monopoly grain buying and exporting company. We could all sell individually but we would soon have few options to sell to other than the multinationals who have their owners best interests to look after. Local sales would hold no premium as farmers would compete with each other. The CWB has been slow to change but it is changing to meet our needs. The Australians have tried other options but still support the AWB. Do away with govt pool gaurantees but fight hard to keep the rest.

    Here’s what I think, I don’t often post here much but read a lot pros and cons to the board. Let’s not just look at ourselves the aging population of producers we are. I was fortunate enough to enter farming with a cwb in place and I say fortunate because one could at least go to the bank with a number the board had announced and make it bankable. What price will our young farmer’s go with without a board? The price is not good but at least it is a number that is a starting point to our profit/ loss planning for the year. Will we see that with grain companies?


      Well put Glen!!!!!!!!!!

      CWB no perfect by an means. But ridding it not the solution.


        Given the option of marketing with ADM, Cargill etc, or a CWB which farmers have some control I'll supprot the CWB every time. Under dual marketing the deep pockets of these large corp would soon buy cash strapped farmers. It's human nature that the P's and T's would take a private corp higher price in the short term and not consider the long term effect of less competition. They would eventually have freedom of choice to market to ADM or Cargill or Bunge. Maybe these companies would pay them a higher price than they now receive because they are such responsible corporate citizens. They would never fix prices or pay bribes to foreign officials.


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