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cwb extravagance

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    Interesting coments, Here are some of mine,

    1. Canada (PMO office, because that is where the final call went to before we aproved the draft)decided for political reasons that they should protect the MP seats (supply managed)in ontario and Quebec thus not allow any type of competition in the those industries at this time...What does this mean for the rest of us.....screw you, your vote doesn't count
    2. Canada fought to limit market access on sensitve products...results...4 new slaughter plants in Western Canada are going to have a rough time because we didn't get them fair market access...I am sure that tyson and Cargil have no problem sharing shelf space in Canada and USA with them....who where they protecting????Supply management
    3. 2013 is already the schedule that the EU was using for elimination of EXport subsidies...so really no victory here in fact if we would have shown some leadership the proposed dates going into HK was around 2010..Canada accepted this change to protect STE...why?? maybe Sm5 are going to set-up there STE to export there products....What did it cost the rest of us??? AG Canada and the George Morris centre calculated back in 1999 that the cost of the US and EU program to Oil and Grain producers was 1.2 billion a year....conclusion...lost of 3 year to keep STE cost us about 3.6 billion along with numerous farm forclosures and social cost....reminder the US is spending way more now and in the future than they where in 1999 if fact they can increase spending from the est. 12 billion this year to 20 billion....what do you think the price of wheat will be at when they spend the 20 billion????? In one of the american seminars they forcast a %50 chance they will exceed that amount in the next 5 years......so lets ask for another billion from the feds...it is a JOKe
    3. Ritter didn't attend a lot of the briefings so I am not sure, but maybe he got some bad liquor in First class
    4.SWP executive flies coach and he was very attentive in his meetings....let see $1900.00 vs estimate $9000. a seat..when I worked in private industry there was no way we could justify the extra expense...it would have been cheeper to send them coach and give them 5 extra days in Hong Kong to adjust to the time change...enough said, they are big boys and it is up to the voters to kick there buts on this the next time they run... I must say that it is sad for me....I am selling my farm because of how bad things are in this industry and I don't have faith in the future of Canadian Agriculture at this time....The Heads of our marketing boards don't even realize the image they are portraying.... I WONDER IF KING RITTER PLAYS THE FIDDLE!!!!
    4. Alberta gov and Sask Gov actual agreed on 95% of what was required and still the fed'S ignored them...so you lefties don't be fooled by NFU HOG WASH. Trade is very important and the gains that are at the table far out wieght the precived gains created by the CWB. Maybe Stewart should quite protecting his relative Larry Hill and look at the big picture
    5 CWB is not trade distorting...Previous rulings prove this.... Hmmmm OJay Simpson was also found innocent....when you artificially play with the delivery of a product you distort trade..All that the previous rulings mean is we distort the market legally, or we had better lawyers
    How did the pOliticians do?
    6 Ted Menzie vote for him, support him...he is a good person who needs our help... tell him to change his staff in Ottawa
    7 Wayne Easter nice guy but doesn't understand what is required
    8 David Anderson 2 thumbs up ...He will make an excelent Ag minister
    9 Doug Horner very Impresive along with Selmac
    10 Mark Wartman..I am confused, why are you NDP? %95 correct just need to spend more time rethinking his CWB Policy
    11 Len Taylor He needs some rest and stress concilling
    12 BC Ag Minister shows promise
    13 Wowchuk (Manitoba AG minister) Okay but then she has to deal with some left threaded nuts in Manitoba
    14 Ontario Ag minister was starting to understand what the issues where and I think with some proper advice could be a good minister
    15 Minister Mitchel.. he knows what the right thing to do is, but the PMO is calling the shots. he avoided meetings with the progresive farm groups (this coment may be unfair, but he twice canceled his meetings and wasn't forthcoming with info while the talks where on going)
    16 Minister Petersen scary... except he was willing to face off with Bob of the CFA and call a spade a spade which I respect... so he must have some balls unfortunately nuetered by the PMO
    All in all there was some positives such as formalizing the tiers that make the Eu and Amricans cut more than us..and a Drop dead date in the end of april to conclude this round. I think there are a lot of things that can change before that date and it is important that all Grain, beef and Oilseed producers start to rally, lobby or become "french farmers" over the next few months to get what we need and deserve. I think it is now time (after election)for Farmers to go to Ottawa... rumor has it that sm5 is spending 25 million and sending there producer to Ottawa daily
    Status Quo means ag in Western Canada will get even worse . I quess another way to change the cwb is to bankrupt all the farmers so they have nothing to sell...hmm that sounds like a NFU tactic


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