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U.S. Explanation of CWB

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    U.S. Explanation of CWB

    Thought readers might be interested in a quote regarding the wheat tariff.

    The Canadian Wheat Board buys grain from Canadian farmers and markets that grain to buyers, said Montana Grain Growers Association Vice President Darin Arganbright, a Carter-area farmer.
    "When they sell grain at a profit, their farmers get another payment," he said. "When they sell grain at a loss, the farmers don't get another payment. The farmers were not getting another spring wheat payment and that was the basis of the complaint."
    Glad there is someone out there who finally was able to explain the CWB in such simple terms.


    In the spring of 2003, this discription is accurate to a tee!

    When we lose the CWB gov. backing... how much longer can we afford the CWB?

    The "single desk" was certainly more tolerable... when the GOC backed it.

    Now (after the loss of the GOC financing)the mistakes in marketing the CWB makes will be 100% paid by us.

    Competiton then becomes even more important... the CWB needs to "pry" the grain from us... not get it below cost.
    THis is not possible with the pool "single desk" system as it stands today.

    Now, how do we reform the CWB to reflect market driven demand back to the farm gate?


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