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AWB stupidity

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    AWB stupidity

    Here in Aust AWB control all exports through single desk.Any other sellers can sell wheat but first has to apply to WEA wheat export authority to get a liscense to export,guess who runs the WEA the AWB of course.
    Anyway my point is in Western Aust a company called WA Co-operative Bulk Handling own some flour mills in Asia and run a pool for 120,000 tonne of wheat at a $12 per tonne premium to AWB pool,so WA CBH had to apply to WEA to export wheat to its own flour mill and you guessed it,it was rejected and now they said they will source wheat from canada good for you guys maybe,but its just so ridiculous.
    PS the WA CBH pool on offer was filled in 9 hours and could take no more wheat.
    Maybe the CWB and AWB actually meet once or twice a year and discuss how to shaft wheatgrowers!!
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