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CWB Election Review Panel Report

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    carebear: I would suggest to you that Stephen Harper is not Brian Mulrooney? No where near the same party?
    Consider this "Conservative" party? It is not the Quebec dominated party of the Mulrooney Progressive Conservatives? Now without a doubt it is watered down from the old Reform/Alliance deal and I'm not sure how you see that...as good or bad?
    Now Harper has to play the game? If he doesn't he is toast, that is just reality? But when you consider everything the man has stood for in his life you should realize he is not a crook? Either that or he is the best damned con man I've ever run into?
    I truly believe this is Canadas last chance. If Martin gets back in, whether with a majority or with his lap dogs the NDP in a minority...the clock will be ticking? Maybe I am wrong...I seem to be wrong quite a bit lately? But I will tell you I run into a lot of people in the energy sector and the ag sector...and there are a lot of unhappy campers out there! They have pretty well had it with this social babble BS Liberal garbage and are ready to take a bold step. There are some heavy hitters waiting in the wings to get the ball rolling.


      Carebear..don't know if you have any kids but lets say you have three boys, aged 17, 13, 10. The 17 year old borrows your car, gets a speeding ticket and comes home late. When the 13 year old turns 17...do you punish him too. Do you hold him accountable for the sins of the older brother?

      Wilagrow...are you listening??


        U'veBinConned: Yes, me listen real good. Not learn damned ting. Me go back to sleep now.



          wilagrow beats all his kids!


            You guys are actually preaching to the converted will be voting PC, likely just because there is no other viable option but for me Harper is definately a leap of faith.


              hey Carebear...thats what its all about. We are putting faith in human beings, and the chances of them failing us are good when examined through the lens of history.

              I promise you though, when and if Harper fails in ares that I find dear I will be the first to expose him as a traiter to his stated goals.

              I believe as an individual he is as close to the common man as any candidate we have had in many years with the exception of Stockwell day. Neither come from a life of position and and influence and wealthy conections.

              But just one caveat...as a westerner, our thoughts and ballots don't hold much sway!


                T4 even a 50,000 acre farmer would be a .08% shareholder - based on 60 million acres production. Insignificant in terms of special treatment for voting in any corporation. Unless you farmed around 1 million acres then you would only still be at a 1.6 % shareholder level.


                  WD, Are you talking total cwb grain acres or total cultivated?



                    It is the principal that is important.

                    We must get the imagination of the "designated area" grain producers back to a positive vision of working together... in a constructive process.

                    Far too long have we been divided... let ourselves be trapped by design.

                    We can do much MUCH better!


                      When will we have lost so many farmers that we no longer have the critical mass to survive?

                      Are principles our best survival strategy at this time? Will principles matter when we are all gone?

                      We had need a better plan than how to distribute ballots in CWB elections.

                      Tom, we need to do much better if we are going to surive and it is going to require as much cooperation as we can muster.

                      What price do we need to surive? What will it take to drive the price to where we need it to be?

                      We have nearly a whole years supply of grain on the shelf. Perhaps we have earned a holiday?



                        Growing a good crop, feeding hungry people, this IS my holiday.

                        When 1 Billion people go hungry each night...


                          You sometimes have to sit back and ask yourself, "Why does Paul Martin want to be the PM?" Why would a billionaire need to put himself through the stress that he does? He doesn't really need the job, and he certainly doesn't seem to have a real vision for this country, so why does he think he needs to be the PM? What is really going on behind the scenes that he feels he needs to be in charge of?

                          Sorry, just some insomnia thoughts.


                            Paul Martin is the front man for Power Corp. Consider where his millions came from? The often told story is he worked for Power Corp. then they sold him this bankrupt steamship line, turned around and pushed all their business his way and voila...he becomes an instant success! Now why would they do that?
                            Next Paul goes into politics?
                            I wonder whose interests he will be serving?
                            Paul Desmarais, owner of Power Corp., became a financial powerhouse by politics? He buys and sells politicians whenever he wants. With Martin he bought his own primeminister.


                              ...it is the old boy club at their best and it looks like he(martin) is going to try everything in the book to keep that way...the tax dollars are a flowing...


                                I am REALLY tired of the feeding hungry people bullshit.


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