Silverback, Randy;
Just going through in my mind what has just happened on Ralphie G's watch since 1993.
The Crow given away;
The "Canadian Dream" CN Rail given away;
The CWB as a low cost marketer: terminated.
What protection for us as grain growers was built into these new insitutions?
The Liberals gave away our competitive advantage... and have left us with the highest cost system in the world...
Goodale and the Liberals leave us strangled:
To compete with the southern/eastern hemisphere advantages of:
Low cost labour;
Low cost inputs;
Low cost land values;
Green revolution biotech benefits on Corn/Rice/Beans;
Low cost financial risk management/low cost capital;
Integration benefits in the global marketing chains that do exist;
Put farmers in jail for giving a sack of grain to 4-Her's/protest marketings... to maintain control;
Changed the law instantly... when the CWB was judged to be illegally attacking "designated area" grain growers;
Put turned around and got farmers put in jail for giving a sack of grain to 4-Her's/or protest marketings... to maintain control;
In Sept/05...Lost our elder folks some $30billion from income trusts (Got greedy and wanted to double tax us);
Then turned around and gave his freinds an election gift worth $100's of millions it appears in the reversal of this greedy tax grab!
In Short... Ralph has given away the "designated area" store... while we watched.
And this is the Liberal government's
legacy is WHAT?
The PM claims Ralph Goodale is the most honest trusted person in Canada?!?
S I C K !
Just going through in my mind what has just happened on Ralphie G's watch since 1993.
The Crow given away;
The "Canadian Dream" CN Rail given away;
The CWB as a low cost marketer: terminated.
What protection for us as grain growers was built into these new insitutions?
The Liberals gave away our competitive advantage... and have left us with the highest cost system in the world...
Goodale and the Liberals leave us strangled:
To compete with the southern/eastern hemisphere advantages of:
Low cost labour;
Low cost inputs;
Low cost land values;
Green revolution biotech benefits on Corn/Rice/Beans;
Low cost financial risk management/low cost capital;
Integration benefits in the global marketing chains that do exist;
Put farmers in jail for giving a sack of grain to 4-Her's/protest marketings... to maintain control;
Changed the law instantly... when the CWB was judged to be illegally attacking "designated area" grain growers;
Put turned around and got farmers put in jail for giving a sack of grain to 4-Her's/or protest marketings... to maintain control;
In Sept/05...Lost our elder folks some $30billion from income trusts (Got greedy and wanted to double tax us);
Then turned around and gave his freinds an election gift worth $100's of millions it appears in the reversal of this greedy tax grab!
In Short... Ralph has given away the "designated area" store... while we watched.
And this is the Liberal government's
legacy is WHAT?
The PM claims Ralph Goodale is the most honest trusted person in Canada?!?
S I C K !