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    I am going to say this with as much respect and hope for debate as I can.

    The topic of organics is very good and I will be looking at it hard this year.
    However, I need to ask this question or simply make a comment. I thought the idea of having farmer input on the board of directors was to help decide the direction the board should take on policies that would help the average farmer, I repeat "average". Is it proper or acceptable to others out there to have people on the board that are not involved in the "average" wheat production on the prairies?? Now I am not trying to be derogatory or negative as the liberals would call me, but if a rep. is not involved in the production of board grains, how can that person say they are looking out for the interest of the rest of us. If the board is going to take control of organic production, then that is something else, but in the current situation, I would want my rep to understand my farm as closely as possible.

    Am I out to Lunch??


    If the present CWB Directorship included an organic farmer, his job as Director would be to represent the conventional industry, because the CWB does not market organics.

    Organics have been adamantly against any paternal Board involvement, and of consequently, organics has been a nightmare for the Board. Rather like trying to sleep with your mother-in-law.

    So: Organics reject any organic CWB-loving representative whilst Conventionals don't want an organic representative for the reason that their interests will be conflict with organics.

    Did you elect an Organic farmer to the Board?



      A wise man on this forum once said:

      "so the hunter becomes the hunted"

      i miss his posts on here.


        As far as I know I didn't, but I could be wrong.


          You have a quandry, silverback.

          Which direction does Conventional really want to go?

          Will they go where farmers want to go? My experience is not.

          The CWB uses David Herle as their pollster. He was Earnscliffe, but is now called Veraxis. Just a name change. Still is the CWB's man' o 'man, though.

          Will he merely tell the CWB Directors what they want to hear? Or will he tell them what Martin's Liberals pay for?

          Go to:


          Scroll down to January 4, 2006, but take a double whiskey with you.

          Blogs reflect what will be printed in tommorows papers and what will be in tommorows news.

          May you live in interesting times.




            Please get a dummy email address at hotmail or yahoo and email me. That way you can keep your identity preserved.



              It's done.


                There are organic farmers who vote in CWB elections. It is the responsibility of all directors to represent all the farmers in Western Canada.


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