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When are we Hoarding food?

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    We've had our turn.

    We can see the results. You feed your family on the results.

    Young farmers can see the results.

    Yet, you are still wanting more of the same.

    Don't you think it's time to let the young people make a few decisions where they want to go?

    This is their future. You're enjoying the past you planned.



      more of the same of what 9 cent lentils , 1.50 feed bly,8 cent mustard .4 5$ canola. 1.80 peas, What is your excuse for those prices. we have all this free market to make our fortune . Yes we are reaping the rewards of that market too.

      maybe its time for a change .Put all them on the board and take the wheat off.


        cheapskidoo is 26 and he says, "Why can I consecutively sell my canola which is not "supply managed" and still make more money than my wheat.."

        I have to listen to him.

        toughgoofit, 24, says, "Didn't any of you guys get a letter saying the board would only take 80% of A series contracts now..."

        Ihear you. Your committeed and you can't sell. No cash.

        These are real people, with real problems and they are looking for real solutions.

        I bet a beer, sawfly, that single deskers in Manitoba will be rallying around, defending 500 CWB jobs, but nobody defends and supports young farmers.

        Greg Arason sure offerred a message of hope for the seaway users on:

        (Scroll down to "Growing Grain Markets?")

        Cheap prairie grain headed for third world countries with extremely low disposible income, going through Eastern seaways, on CSL ships, is probably going to help Western grain farmers, right? CWB strategy will do it for us everytime!

        Would you believe, the CSL office is right next to the CWB building in downtown Winnipeg? Minister Alcock has Canadain values. Yup. And Prime Minister Paul Martin values are his example.Yup. Yup.

        Uh huh.

        cheapskidoo and toughgoofit, hang in there.



          I guess there is no real good excuse for these prices except for over supply. All that I am saying is that it was not too long ago when canola was $8.00, edible peas $6.50 and red lentils @ $.20 . At least when the supply/demand changes on these commodities, it is refelcted on the price. Take flax last year, the price hit $16/bushel in our area, when is the last time wheat or barley truly reflected the supply/demand for each product? This year everything is over supplied but we sold feed barley thru wheat board for 1.70 and open board 1.70, at least with the off board barley I can pay some bills!


            Lakenheath, I farm just south of P.A. Sawfly there is no question that there are a hundred reasons why we aren't making money anymore, but the differnce with the CWB is there is no competion Chemical companys seed companys etc, allthough minimal options but there are options. Clearout41 for eg, brownbag your invigor seed, versus paying Monsanto for $8/l Weathermax, $6.00lb certified seed to Liberty Link. The CWB gives no options my malt barley,& wheat must go through them for me to sell it. They must go!!


              Parsley thanks for the support hopefully this thing will turn around, because at 24 there hasn't been alot good years for me to build up equity. Next year will tell the tale for me, I'm alone in this and another bad year I don't know how much longer one can hold on.


                From the Toronto Star:

                "Just before Christmas, Conservative Leader Stephen Harper reiterated his party's 2004 election position, saying it would let western farmers opt out. The Liberals and NDP would not.

                Harper made his statement in Ontario, but the reaction was all in the West. Winnipeg MP Reg Alcock, the Liberal minister responsible for the wheat board, thundered that if it can't compel all producers, it would fall apart. With an eye to local votes, Alcock said thousands of Winnipeg jobs would be lost at board headquarters and the large grain companies set up nearby."

                Hang on cowboy. As they say, what a difference a day can make.



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