Question to lakenheath and Agstar? As you are the defenders of the faith - how is your history?
How did the CBW compete marketing barley during the 40 days of the dual market?
What happened to prices?
What happened to exports?
They have no business having a monopoly in barley - wheat, I can and will give them the benefit of the doubt out of respect for Ken Beswick, who said and I quote: "No one can extrapolate the premium in wheat from the marketplace, that we can" And Tom, he would have told you the same thing, outside in your tandem that fateful day @ 423 Main.
Barley - if the CWB/SWP/MPE/AWP would have let it go in 1993, the CWB would not be in this mess today. Lest we all forget, Beswick quit over barley marketing and the money that the CWB was leaving on the table and costing western Canadian farmers.
From the all or nothing approach in 1994/95 - what has changed?
But by taking an all or nothing approach - they will end up with nothing. The current BOD has chosen this route - no one else ...well, they and the 23-25% voter turnout of the 50% who hauled less than 40 MT in the past two years. Confused? You should be.
Lets have a Federal ballot thats weighted to vote First choice, Second choice and third choice to see how many minority governments there are.
Who set up the above parameters?
Aas it really done on a napkin at Lowe Farm?
Vader last one is for you:
QUOTE - January 27, 2004
The CWB employs 500 people. 15 of them are farm business reps. The Globe and Mail reported that the cuts will amount to, "135 positions, with the job reductions scheduled to be completed by July".
Does that mean there are only 365 employees/staff left at the CWB? Did the cuts REALLY happen?
How did the CBW compete marketing barley during the 40 days of the dual market?
What happened to prices?
What happened to exports?
They have no business having a monopoly in barley - wheat, I can and will give them the benefit of the doubt out of respect for Ken Beswick, who said and I quote: "No one can extrapolate the premium in wheat from the marketplace, that we can" And Tom, he would have told you the same thing, outside in your tandem that fateful day @ 423 Main.
Barley - if the CWB/SWP/MPE/AWP would have let it go in 1993, the CWB would not be in this mess today. Lest we all forget, Beswick quit over barley marketing and the money that the CWB was leaving on the table and costing western Canadian farmers.
From the all or nothing approach in 1994/95 - what has changed?
But by taking an all or nothing approach - they will end up with nothing. The current BOD has chosen this route - no one else ...well, they and the 23-25% voter turnout of the 50% who hauled less than 40 MT in the past two years. Confused? You should be.
Lets have a Federal ballot thats weighted to vote First choice, Second choice and third choice to see how many minority governments there are.
Who set up the above parameters?
Aas it really done on a napkin at Lowe Farm?
Vader last one is for you:
QUOTE - January 27, 2004
The CWB employs 500 people. 15 of them are farm business reps. The Globe and Mail reported that the cuts will amount to, "135 positions, with the job reductions scheduled to be completed by July".
Does that mean there are only 365 employees/staff left at the CWB? Did the cuts REALLY happen?