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conservative victory & the CWB

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    when oats came off the board prices plummeted.

    what did you do for money ?
    you took a cash advance on the board , which enabled you to hold your open market grains through the harvest lows.
    with the board gone you had better have everything hedged up , or your gonna have to give away something to pay your bills.


      Okay the price did plummet,but only for a couple years. Until alternate mills, buyers and markets developed locally,nationally and internationally.
      Same is going to happen with CWB going voluntary. A short term blip until normalcy develops.


        The cash advance isnt a CWB program. If we lose the board do we lose the advance?


          The cash advance program is a fed govt program, only admin'd by the CWB. It wont disapear, unless the banks ask the government to get rid of it, because it is a competing service, to their services


            The Conservatives have said they will review ALL farm policies. I imagine we will see some programs go to pay for the rest of their promises. Could be the cash advance will be one of them.

            If as some of you predict the price of grain will drop for a couple of years without the wheat board I wonder how many of us will be left to enjoy the high prices we are told we will get without it.


              The cash advance program is a fed govt program, only admin'd by the CWB. It wont disapear, unless the banks ask the government to get rid of it, because it is a competing service, to their services


                Sawfly get your facts straight, the cash advance has nothing to do with the CWB, Canola Growers is the same thing. If the CWB would pay us are money up front, there wouldn't be a need for advances!!! Yeah oats did plummet briefly, but look at the last 15 years!!


                  Sawfly you also talked about on a different thread that without the CWB farmers will oversell, and the markets will crash,because the Board goes buy supply and demand keeping prices fair. Sawfly do you know who controls our malt prices? It's Alberta feed barley prices if cattlemen are paying top dollar the CWB pays top dollar because we all would sell to cattleman and get paid now!! Eg. Take this year malsters are scrambling to find malt. Went on tour to Prarie Malt they are going nuts trying to get barley. What's the CWB pro on 2rowss malt $2.30/bus. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!



                    Why is it that there are cash advances available for row-crops, corn, canola, pulse crops, and special crops, even though these pay 100% at delivery? (Actually some of my special crop deliveries take up to 4 weeks for payment and without an initial payment).

                    Re: Malt vs feed prices:

                    Prairie Malt exports a significant amount of their malt, and competes head on with EU, and AUS competitors. If our malsters cannot buy barley at prices that allow them to compete on the world stage, they will fail. If domestic feed barley goes up to $4.00/bu, they will have to at times, pay enough of a premium to acquire your supplies, and perhaps suffer financial loss. And at times when W. Can feed barely trades at very low values, they can buy barley very cheap prices and achieve strong profits, to offset former losses. In the long run, their objective is to make a certain return per tonne as you do. If you follow the domestic oilseed crush margins you will see how the processor’s margins can widely swing from loss to profit over the course of a year (however, the processor’s crush profits have been obscene in the last several months)

                    Malt trades at a relationship to international feed barley prices. If W.Can feed barley traded at minimum $4.00/bu forever, (casused by a ban on cheaper imports), eventually Prairie Malt and the other malsters, and millers would have to fold up shop or re-locate to another country where they can acquire inputs at internationally completive prices, so that their end-products are completive in the same international markets.

                    Also, it would be nice to think that we can hold feed barley prices at $4.00/bu in western Canada. But if feed barley market were to trade well above the world prices for any significant period of time, feed barley or a substitute such as corn or feed wheat would be imported into Western Canada, there by bringing the domestic market back into equilibrium with the world market values.



                      I was interested to see the DTN report on Ag Policy carried in Good Morning Ontario... the Liberals and NDP did not comment on the CWB.

                      Here is what the Conservatives said:

                      "GOOD MORNING ONTARIO

                      Canadians will head to the polls on Monday to elect a new federal gov't. Today we look at the ag policies that have been laid out by each party. (The order we are presenting these ideas was determined by the party's standing in the latest opinion poll. The Bloc has been omitted since most readers do not have a candidate in their riding.)

                      Here are some of the main points. The complete platform can be found by going to a party's official website or contacting a campaign office.

                      THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY

                      The Conservatives say they will replace CAIS and boost ethanol and biodiesel.

                      Conservatives will invest an additional $500 million in farm support programs A Conservative government will:

                      - Work with the provinces to replace the CAIS program with a new income stabilization program that is simpler and more responsive. We will ensure that it properly addresses the cost of production, market revenue, and inventory evaluation.

                      - Introduce a separate disaster relief program above and beyond CAIS; and

                      - Require an average of 5% renewable fuel content in Canadian fuel by 2010.

                      - Ensure that the $755 million in emergency federal assistance to grain and oilseed producers announced by the government on November 23, 2005, is delivered as quickly as possible.

                      - Give western grain farmers the freedom to make their own marketing and transportation decisions. Western grain farmers should be able to participate voluntarily in the Canadian Wheat Board."

                      Now I would like to bring to your attention that this is not at all like the Oat displacement from the 1989 CWB.

                      THe CWB will still exist... just like the mandatory hog boards do in western Canada... only now on a voluntary basis.

                      Is there a real problem with hog marketing? Isn't the farmer dealing by far the majority with the old hog boards... with a new Western Hog Exchange that works better than ever?

                      FEAR could all stop us from getting out of bed each morning...

                      Lets have a little hope for the morning of the 24th of Jan... 2006!

                      Please say a prayer, that honest people will govern our country... and may truth and honesty lead the way!

                      God Bless Canada!


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