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Conservatives win change your seeding plans?

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    Conservatives win change your seeding plans?

    If the Consevatives win would change seeding plans with dual marketing in place???

    Yes it will.


      Parsley just curious why???


        Let's wait until Monday, toughgoofit.

        Just hang in there. Two more sleeps.



          Man, I absolutely had to reply to this thread. I have worked on federal election campaigns at a fairly high level on the conservative side. In order to get elected the conservatives have made a concerted effort to project the image of a fairly moderate party. By the looks of things this is going to work and they will get elected. If they are elected, and in a minority at that, there is no way they are going to make drastic changes to anything, I repeat anything in the first part of their term. It would only provide fodder for the hidden agenda conspiracy theory and help preclude a second term. Secondly anyone who thinks that agriculture is the top priority of a new gov't has not been paying mcuh attention to the election campaign. Has agriculture been a huge topic? I don't think so. The first thing the Conservatives will do upon entering office is spend a number of months working to remove all political appointees, office staff, aides, etc, who they feel are unfriendly. There will be likely thousands (no exageration!!!)then move on to uncovering all the dirty little tricks, schemes and scandals that the Libs are working as we speak to bury way dwon deep so they don't show up later. This will provide excellent material for the next election. ONce all this is done, several months, they will move on to governing. This is not to say that they will not carry forward on a few of their main caompaign promises quickly (GST, child care) but I jsut don't see removing the monopoly by spring as one of thier main platform planks.


            MBFarmer, I couldn't agree with you more but you are seriously dissapointing many on this forum.



              One more sleep.

              (If you can sleep in spite of the shredding.)



                Parsley reading your comments make me chuckle, I feel like a kid at Christmas time waiting for Santa. MB farmer yeah more than likely the Conservatives are full of B.S. but does it really matter who gets in power at least it is a ray of hope.


                  Vader do you work for the CWb?


                    Examine the first post in the thread:

                    Who Controls Grain Handling?


                      Well rush is over.
                      Funny, Harper didn't mention the first thing he was going to do was go dual CWB.
                      Guess it is like Xmas first thing day after is take out garbage.



                        There is a new Government.

                        Naturally, a new CWB Minister will be sworn in, and I expect it will not take two months to do it

                        There will be definite changes at the CWB.

                        I would venture that those changes will impact upon every Western grain farmer.



                          I hope Parsley is correct, I don't see the problem with dual marketing guys want to sell on their own go ahead guys who want to sell to the CWB an continue getting screwed go ahead. Just like you said day after X-mas through out the garbage. We did the Liberals are gone!!


                            Harper says he will name his cabinet in about a week. Who knows who will be in charge of the CWB? Hopefully it is someone who is dedicated to changing the system and giving farmers some options?
                            Not just sure how the whole question of the single desk would be handled? Is it necessary to run the dual market thing past Parliment or could it be basically implemented in house using the existing rules? What about just granting free export licenses with no buyback?
                            The other thing I would ask is Ken Ritter elected or appointed? Could he be replaced?


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